title: "Why hierarchical models?"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# tikz stuff
# Necessary for using dvisvgm on macOS
# See https://www.andrewheiss.com/blog/2021/08/27/tikz-knitr-html-svg-fun/
Sys.setenv (LIBGS = "/usr/local/share/ghostscript/9.53.3/lib/libgs.dylib.9.53" )
```{r libraries-data, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
library (tidyverse)
library (targets)
library (scales)
library (patchwork)
tar_config_set (store = here:: here ('_targets' ),
script = here:: here ('_targets.R' ))
font_opts <- list (extra.preamble = c (" \\ usepackage{libertine}" ,
" \\ usepackage{libertinust1math}" ),
dvisvgm.opts = "--font-format=woff" )
# Load data
# Plotting functions
invisible (list2env (tar_read (graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (misc_funs), .GlobalEnv))
df_country_aid <- tar_read (country_aid_final)
df_country_aid_laws <- filter (df_country_aid, laws)
# Hierarchical structure
```{r data-summary, include=FALSE}
details <- df_country_aid_laws %>%
distinct (year) %>%
summarize (num_years = n (),
year_first = min (year),
year_last = max (year)) %>%
bind_cols (tibble (num_countries = df_country_aid_laws %>%
distinct (gwcode) %>% nrow ())) %>%
as.list ()
Our data includes information about `r details$num_countries` countries across `r details$num_years` years (from `r details$year_first` –`r details$year_last` ). This kind of time series cross-sectional (TSCS) data reflects a natural hierarchical structure, with repeated yearly observations nested within countries ([ see this whole guide I wrote ](https://www.andrewheiss.com/blog/2021/12/01/multilevel-models-panel-data-guide/) because of this exact project)
```{tikz panel-structure-svg, engine.opts=font_opts}
#| echo: false
#| fig-cap: "Multilevel panel data structure, with yearly observations of $y$ nested in countries"
#| fig-align: center
#| fig-ext: svg
#| out-width: 100%
\begin{tikzpicture}[{every node/.append style}=draw]
\node [rectangle,fill=teal2] (country1) at (0, 2.5) {Country 1};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach1] (y11) at (-1.85, 1) {$y_{i,{t = 1990}_1}$};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach1] (y21) at (0, 1) {$y_{i,{t = t}_1}$};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach1] (y31) at (1.85, 1) {$y_{i,{t = 2013}_1}$};
\draw [-latex] (country1) to (y11);
\draw [-latex] (country1) to (y21);
\draw [-latex] (country1) to (y31);
\node [rectangle,fill=teal3] (country2) at (5.35, 2.5) {Country 2};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach2] (y12) at (4.15, 1) {$y_{i,{1990}_2}$};
\node [draw=none] (y22) at (5.35, 1) {$\dots$};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach2] (y32) at (6.55, 1) {$y_{i,{2013}_2}$};
\draw [-latex] (country2) to (y12);
\draw [-latex] (country2) to (y22);
\draw [-latex] (country2) to (y32);
\node [draw=none] (dots_top) at (7.85, 2.5) {$\dots$};
\node [draw=none] (dots_bottom) at (7.85, 1) {$\dots$};
\draw [-latex] (dots_top) to (dots_bottom);
\node [rectangle,fill=teal4] (country_142) at (10.6, 2.5) {Country 142};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach3] (y1_142) at (9.25, 1) {$y_{i,{1990}_{142}}$};
\node [draw=none] (y2_142) at (10.6, 1) {$\dots$};
\node [ellipse,fill=peach3] (y3_142) at (11.95, 1) {$y_{i,{2013}_{142}}$};
\draw [-latex] (country_142) to (y1_142);
\draw [-latex] (country_142) to (y2_142);
\draw [-latex] (country_142) to (y3_142);
\node [rectangle,fill=teal1,text=white] (population) at (5, 4) {Countries eligible for aid};
\draw [-latex] (population) to (country1);
\draw [-latex] (population) to (country2);
\draw [-latex] (population) to (dots_top);
\draw [-latex] (population) to (country_142);
The path of the three countries with the biggest changes in civil society repression (Afghanistan, Colombia, and Iraq), with each path beginning in 1990 and ending in 2013:
```{r plot-biggest-movers, warning=FALSE}
#| out-width: 80%
biggest_movers <- df_country_aid_laws %>%
group_by (country) %>%
filter (! any (total_oda == 0 )) %>%
summarize (across (c (v2csreprss, total_oda), lst (min, max, diff = ~ max (.) - min (.))))
top_overall <- top_n (biggest_movers, 15 , v2csreprss_diff) %>%
filter (country %in% top_n (biggest_movers, 15 , total_oda_diff)$ country) %>%
top_n (3 , v2csreprss_diff)
df_cs_oda_highlight <- df_country_aid_laws %>%
mutate (highlight_country = ifelse (country %in% top_overall$ country,
country, "Other" ),
highlight_country = factor (highlight_country, ordered = TRUE ),
highlight_country = fct_relevel (highlight_country, "Other" , after = Inf )) %>%
mutate (highlight = highlight_country != "Other" )
ggplot (df_cs_oda_highlight, aes (x = v2csreprss, y = total_oda, group = country)) +
geom_point (size = 0.15 , alpha = 0.10 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , aes (group = NULL ), color = clrs$ Prism[6 ],
linewidth = 1.25 , linetype = "21" , se = FALSE , formula = y ~ x) +
geom_path (aes (color = highlight_country, size = highlight),
arrow = arrow (type = "open" , angle = 30 , length = unit (0.75 , "lines" )),
key_glyph = "timeseries" ) +
scale_y_continuous (trans = "log1p" , breaks = c (1e7 , 1e8 , 1e9 , 1e10 , 1e11 ),
labels = label_dollar (scale_cut = cut_short_scale ())) +
scale_size_manual (values = c (0.045 , 1.25 ), guide = "none" ) +
scale_color_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[2 ], clrs$ Prism[7 ], clrs$ Prism[9 ], "grey50" ),
guide = guide_legend (override.aes = list (linewidth = 1 ))) +
coord_cartesian (ylim = c (1e7 , 1e11 )) +
labs (x = "Civil society repression \n (Higher values represent less repression)" ,
y = "Total ODA" , color = NULL , size = NULL ) +
theme_donors ()
Scatterplot of the relationship between CS repression and aid, limited only to 2010 for the sake of simplicity:
```{r plot-repression-aid-2010}
#| out-width: 80%
df_country_aid_2010 <- df_country_aid_laws %>%
filter (year == 2010 )
ggplot (df_country_aid_2010, aes (x = v2csreprss, y = total_oda)) +
geom_point (size = 1 , alpha = 0.9 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , color = clrs$ Prism[6 ],
linewidth = 1.25 , linetype = "21" , se = FALSE , formula = y ~ x) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_number (style_negative = "minus" )) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = label_dollar (scale_cut = cut_short_scale ())) +
labs (x = "Civil society repression \n (Higher values represent less repression)" ,
y = "Total ODA" ) +
theme_donors ()
```{r plot-repression-aid-a-few}
#| out-width: 80%
df_country_aid_a_few <- df_country_aid_laws %>%
filter (year %in% c (1990 , 1995 , 2000 , 2005 , 2010 , 2013 ))
ggplot (df_country_aid_a_few, aes (x = v2csreprss, y = total_oda)) +
geom_point (size = 1 , alpha = 0.9 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , color = clrs$ Prism[6 ],
linewidth = 1.25 , linetype = "21" , se = FALSE , formula = y ~ x) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_number (style_negative = "minus" )) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = label_dollar (scale_cut = cut_short_scale ())) +
labs (x = "Civil society repression \n (Higher values represent less repression)" ,
y = "Total ODA" ) +
facet_wrap (vars (year)) +
theme_donors ()