{targets} pipeline
We use the magical {targets} package to run our analysis and keep track of all dependencies automatically.
To build the entire project, run targets::tar_make()
at the R console.
Here’s our complete pipeline:
We use the magical {targets} package to run our analysis and keep track of all dependencies automatically.
To build the entire project, run targets::tar_make()
at the R console.
Here’s our complete pipeline:
title: "{targets} pipeline"
freeze: false
code-fold: true
#| label: setup
#| include: false
# echo = FALSE, include = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE,
fig.width = 6, fig.height = (6 * 0.618), out.width = "80%",
fig.align = "center", fig.retina = 3,
collapse = TRUE
options(digits = 3, width = 120, dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)
We use [the magical {targets} package](https://docs.ropensci.org/targets/) to run our analysis and keep track of all dependencies automatically.
To build the entire project, run `targets::tar_make()` at the R console.
Here's our complete pipeline:
#| label: show-targets-pipeline
#| echo: false
withr::with_dir(here::here(), {