title: "Symposium models"
#| label: setup
#| include: false
if (is.null(knitr::pandoc_to())) {
fmt_out <- "interactive"
} else {
fmt_out <- knitr::pandoc_to()
echo = FALSE, include = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE
fig.align = "center", fig.retina = 3,
fig.width = 6, fig.height = (6 * 0.618),
out.width = "100%", collapse = TRUE
#| label: libraries-data
config_modelsummary(factory_default = 'tinytable')
derog <- read_stata(here::here("data", "raw_data", "JHR Symposium HR and DB 4 30 24 stata data.dta")) |>
zap_formats() |>
zap_label() |>
c5_public_transport = factor(c5_public_transport,
levels = 0:2,
labels = c("No measures", "Recommend closing", "Require closing"),
ordered = TRUE
c6_stay_at_home = factor(c6_stay_at_home,
levels = 0:3,
labels = c(
"No measures",
"Recommend not leaving house",
"Require not leaving house, with exceptions",
"Require not leaving house, with minimal exceptions"
ordered = TRUE
c7_internal_movement = factor(c7_internal_movement,
levels = 0:2,
labels = c("No measures", "Recommend to not travel", "Restrictions in place"),
ordered = TRUE
e1_income_support = factor(e1_income_support,
levels = 0:2,
labels = c(
"No income support",
"Government replaces less than 50% of lost salary",
"Government replaces more than 50% of lost salary"
ordered = TRUE
e2_debt_relief = factor(e2_debt_relief,
levels = 0:2,
labels = c("No debt relief", "Narrow relief", "Broad relief"),
ordered = TRUE
pandem_discrim = factor(pandem_discrim,
levels = c("None", "Minor", "Moderate", "Major"),
ordered = TRUE
pandem_ndrights = factor(pandem_ndrights,
levels = c("None", "Major"),
ordered = TRUE
pandem_abusive = factor(pandem_abusive,
levels = c("None", "Minor", "Moderate", "Major"),
ordered = TRUE
pandem_nolimit = factor(pandem_nolimit,
levels = c("None", "Moderate", "Major"),
ordered = TRUE
pandem_media = factor(pandem_media,
levels = c("None", "Minor", "Moderate", "Major"),
ordered = TRUE
) |>
panbackdichot = panbackdichot - 1,
panbackdichot_bin = as.logical(panbackdichot)
) |>
c(new_cases, new_deaths, cumulative_cases, cumulative_deaths),
list(z = ~ as.numeric(scale(.)))
gof_map <- tribble(
~raw, ~clean, ~fmt, ~omit,
"nobs", "N", 0, FALSE
coef_map <- c(
"(Intercept)" = "Intercept",
"derogation_ineffect" = "Derogation in effect",
"panbackdichot" = "Pandemic backsliding (PanBack), dichotomous",
"derogation_ineffect:panbackdichot" = "Derogation in effect × Pandemic backsliding",
"panback" = "Pandemic backsliding (PanBack)",
"pandem" = "Pandemic violations of democratic standards (PanDem)",
"new_cases" = "New cases",
"new_cases_z" = "New cases (standardized)",
"new_deaths" = "New deaths",
"new_deaths_z" = "New deaths (standardized)",
"cumulative_cases" = "Cumulative cases",
"cumulative_cases_z" = "Cumulative cases (standardized)",
"cumulative_deaths" = "Cumulative deaths",
"cumulative_deaths_z" = "Cumulative deaths (standardized)",
"v2x_rule" = "Rule of law index",
"No measures|Recommend to not travel" = "No measures | Recommend to not travel",
"Recommend to not travel|Restrictions in place" = "Recommend to not travel | Restrictions in place",
"No measures|Recommend closing" = "No measures | Recommend closing",
"Recommend closing|Require closing" = "Recommend closing | Require closing",
"No measures|Recommend not leaving house" = "No measures | Recommend not leaving house",
"Recommend not leaving house|Require not leaving house, with exceptions" = "Recommend not leaving house| Require not leaving house, with exceptions",
"Require not leaving house, with exceptions|Require not leaving house, with minimal exceptions" = "Require not leaving house, with exceptions | Require not leaving house, with minimal exceptions",
"No income support|Government replaces less than 50% of lost salary" = "No income support | Government replaces less than 50% of lost salary",
"Government replaces less than 50% of lost salary|Government replaces more than 50% of lost salary" = "Government replaces less than 50% of lost salary | Government replaces more than 50% of lost salary",
"No debt relief|Narrow relief" = "No debt relief | Narrow relief",
"Narrow relief|Broad relief" = "Narrow relief | Broad relief",
"None|Minor" = "None | Minor",
"Minor|Moderate" = "Minor | Moderate",
"Moderate|Major" = "Moderate | Major",
"None|Moderate" = "None | Moderate"
tidy_custom.polr <- function(x, ...) {
s <- lmtest::coeftest(x)
out <- data.frame(
term = row.names(s),
p.value = s[, "Pr(>|t|)"])
# 1: Explaining COVID-19 Derogations
#| label: tbl-derogations
#| include: true
#| tbl-cap: "Explaining COVID-19 Derogations"
model1 <- glm(
iccpr_derogation_filed ~ panback + new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
family = binomial(link = "logit")
model2 <- glm(
iccpr_derogation_filed ~ pandem + new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
family = binomial(link = "logit")
# Save models for II paper appendix
# saveRDS(
# lst(models = list("Model 1" = model1, "Model 2" = model2), gof_map, coef_map),
# "~/Desktop/determinants_models.rds"
# )
list("Model 1" = model1, "Model 2" = model2),
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate = "{estimate} ({std.error}){stars}",
statistic = NULL,
coef_map = coef_map,
gof_map = gof_map,
stars = c("*" = 0.1, "**" = 0.05, "***" = 0.01),
notes = list(
"Logistic regression models; odds ratios (standard error)",
"* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01"
#| label: fig-pred-derogations
#| include: true
plot_predictions(model1, condition = "panback") +
labs(y = "Predicted probability of derogation")
plot_predictions(model2, condition = "pandem") +
labs(y = "Predicted probability of derogation")
# 2: Explaining COVID-19 Restrictions
#| label: tbl-restrictions
#| include: true
#| tbl-cap: "Explaining COVID-19 Restrictions"
model3 <- polr(
c7_internal_movement ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
model4 <- polr(
c5_public_transport ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
model5 <- polr(
c6_stay_at_home ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
"Model 3<br>(Internal movement)" = model3,
"Model 4<br>(Public transportation)" = model4,
"Model 5<br>(Stay at home)" = model5
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate = "{estimate} ({std.error}){stars}",
statistic = NULL,
coef_map = coef_map,
gof_map = gof_map,
stars = c("*" = 0.1, "**" = 0.05, "***" = 0.01),
notes = list(
"Ordered logistic regression models; odds ratios (standard error)",
"* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01"
#| label: fig-pred-restrictions
#| include: true
#| fig-width: 7
plot_predictions(model3, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$c7_internal_movement)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\ninternal movement measures",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model4, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$c5_public_transport)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\ntransportation measures",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model5, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$c6_stay_at_home)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\nstay at home measures",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
# 3: Explaining COVID-19 Economic Policies
#| label: tbl-economic-policies
#| include: true
#| tbl-cap: "Explaining COVID-19 Economic Policies"
model6 <- polr(
e1_income_support ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
model7 <- polr(
e2_debt_relief ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
"Model 6<br>(Income support)" = model6,
"Model 7<br>(Debt relief)" = model7
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate = "{estimate} ({std.error}){stars}",
statistic = NULL,
coef_map = coef_map,
gof_map = gof_map,
stars = c("*" = 0.1, "**" = 0.05, "***" = 0.01),
notes = list(
"Ordered logistic regression models; odds ratios (standard error)",
"* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01"
#| label: fig-pred-economic-policies
#| include: true
#| fig-width: 6
#| fig-height: 5
plot_predictions(model6, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$e1_income_support))), ncol = 1) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\nincome support",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model7, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$e2_debt_relief))), ncol = 1) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\ndebt relief",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
# 4: Explaining COVID-19 Human Rights Violations
#| label: tbl-human-rights
#| include: true
#| tbl-cap: "Explaining COVID-19 Human Rights Violations"
model_discrim <- polr(
pandem_discrim ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
model_ndrights <- glm(
pandem_ndrights ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
family = binomial(link = "logit")
model_abusive <- polr(
pandem_abusive ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
model_nolimit <- polr(
pandem_nolimit ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
model_media <- polr(
pandem_media ~ derogation_ineffect*panbackdichot +
new_cases_z + new_deaths_z + cumulative_cases_z + cumulative_deaths_z + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
method = "logistic",
Hess = TRUE
"Model 8<br>(Discriminatory policy)" = model_discrim,
"Model 9<br>(Non-derogable rights)" = model_ndrights,
"Model 10<br>(No time limit measures)" = model_abusive,
"Model 11<br>(Abusive enforcement)" = model_nolimit,
"Model 12<br>(Media restrictions)" = model_media
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate = "{estimate}{stars}",
statistic = "({std.error})",
coef_map = coef_map,
gof_map = gof_map,
stars = c("*" = 0.1, "**" = 0.05, "***" = 0.01),
notes = list(
"Models 8, 10, 11, and 12 are ordered logistic regression models; Model 9 is a logistic regression model; odds ratios (standard error)",
"* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01"
#| label: fig-pred-human-rights
#| include: true
plot_predictions(model_discrim, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$pandem_discrim)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\ndiscriminatory policy",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model_ndrights, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\nviolating non-derogable rights",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model_nolimit, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$pandem_nolimit)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\nno time limits",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model_abusive, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$pandem_abusive)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\nabusive enforcement",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
plot_predictions(model_media, condition = c("panbackdichot", "derogation_ineffect")) +
facet_wrap(vars(factor(group, levels = levels(derog$pandem_media)))) +
x = "Derogation in effect",
y = "Predicted probability of\nmedia restrictions",
color = "panback"
) +
legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
# 5: Explaining Non-Derogation Human Rights Treaty Actions during COVID-19
#| label: tbl-treaty-actions
#| include: true
#| tbl-cap: "Explaining Non-Derogation Human Rights Treaty Actions during COVID-19"
model8 <- glm(
noniccprtreatyactionsdichotomous ~ panback + new_cases + new_deaths + cumulative_cases + cumulative_deaths + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
family = binomial(link = "logit")
model9 <- glm(
noniccprtreatyactionsdichotomous ~ pandem + new_cases + new_deaths + cumulative_cases + cumulative_deaths + v2x_rule,
data = derog,
family = binomial(link = "logit")
list("Model 13" = model8, "Model 14" = model9),
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate = "{estimate} ({std.error}){stars}",
statistic = NULL,
coef_map = coef_map,
gof_map = gof_map,
stars = c("*" = 0.1, "**" = 0.05, "***" = 0.01),
notes = list(
"Logistic regression models; odds ratios (standard error)",
"* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01"
#| label: fig-pred-treaty-actions
#| include: true
plot_predictions(model8, condition = "panback") +
labs(y = "Predicted probability of derogation")
plot_predictions(model9, condition = "pandem") +
labs(y = "Predicted probability of derogation")