title: "Explaining derogations"
code-fold: true
#| label: setup
#| include: false
knitr:: opts_chunk$ set (
fig.width = 6 , fig.height = (6 * 0.618 ), out.width = "80%" ,
fig.align = "center" , fig.retina = 3 ,
collapse = TRUE
options (digits = 3 , width = 120 , dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE )
#| label: libraries-data
#| warning: false
#| message: false
library (tidyverse)
library (tidybayes)
library (modelsummary)
library (scales)
library (glue)
library (ggtext)
library (tinytable)
library (targets)
tar_config_set (
store = here:: here ("_targets" ),
script = here:: here ("_targets.R" )
tar_load (c (m_derogations, m_tbl_derogations, action_state_type))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (diagnostic_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (helper_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (modelsummary_functions), .GlobalEnv))
# Model details
## Formal model specification
&\ \mathrlap{\textbf{Binary outcome $i$ across week $t$}} \\
\text{Treaty action}_{it_j} \sim&\ \operatorname{Bernoulli}(\pi_{it_j}) \\ [ 0.75em ]
&\ \textbf{Distribution parameters} \\
\pi_{it} =&\ \beta_0 + \beta_1\ \text{PanBack}_{it} + \\
&\ \beta_2\ \text{New cases}_{it}\ + \beta_3\ \text{Cumulative cases}_{it}\ + \\
&\ \beta_4\ \text{New deaths}_{it}\ + \beta_5\ \text{Cumulative deaths}_{it}\ + \\
&\ \beta_6\ \text{Rule of law index}_{it}\ + \beta_7\ \text{Week number}_{it} \\ [ 0.75em ]
&\ \textbf{Priors} \\
\beta_{0 \dots 7} \sim&\ \operatorname{Student\ t}(\nu = 1, \mu = 0, \sigma = 3)
## Priors
#| label: figure-prior
#| fig-cap: "Density plot of prior distribution for model parameters"
#| fig-width: 3.5
#| fig-height: 2.5
#| out-width: "50%"
ggplot () +
stat_function (
geom = "area" ,
fun = ~ extraDistr:: dlst (., df = 1 , mu = 0 , sigma = 3 ),
fill = clrs[2 ]
) +
xlim (c (- 20 , 20 )) +
labs (x = "βs" ) +
facet_wrap (vars ("β: Student t(ν = 1, µ = 0, σ = 3)" )) +
theme_pandem (prior = TRUE )
## Simplified R code
brm (
bf (outcome ~ panback +
new_cases_z + cumulative_cases_z +
new_deaths_z + cumulative_deaths_z +
v2x_rule + year_week_num),
family = bernoulli (),
prior = c (
prior (student_t (1 , 0 , 3 ), class = Intercept),
prior (student_t (1 , 0 , 3 ), class = b)),
## Model evaluation
params_to_show <- c ("b_Intercept" , "b_panback" , "b_new_cases_z" , "b_v2x_rule" )
::: {.panel-tabset}
### Derogation filed
plot_trace (m_derogations$ m_derogations_panback, params_to_show)
plot_trank (m_derogations$ m_derogations_panback, params_to_show)
plot_pp (m_derogations$ m_derogations_panback)
### Other treaty action
plot_trace (m_derogations$ m_other_panback, params_to_show)
plot_trank (m_derogations$ m_other_panback, params_to_show)
plot_pp (m_derogations$ m_other_panback)
# Results
#| label: calc-derog-coefs
coef_lookup <- tribble (
~ coef, ~ coef_nice,
"b_panback" , "Pandemic backsliding index (PanBack)" ,
"b_v2x_rule" , "Rule of law index" ,
"b_new_cases_z" , "New cases (standardized)" ,
"b_cumulative_cases_z" , "Cumulative cases (standardized)" ,
"b_new_deaths_z" , "New deaths (standardized)" ,
"b_cumulative_deaths_z" , "Cumulative deaths (standardized)"
) |>
mutate (coef_nice = fct_inorder (coef_nice))
m_derog_draws <- m_derogations$ m_derogations_panback |>
gather_draws (` ^b_.* ` , regex = TRUE ) |>
filter (.variable %in% coef_lookup$ coef) |>
left_join (coef_lookup, by = join_by (.variable == coef))
derog_coefs <- m_derog_draws |>
mutate (.value_exp = exp (.value)) |>
group_by (.variable, coef_nice) |>
reframe (
post_medians = median_hdci (.value_exp, .width = 0.95 ),
p_gt_0 = sum (.value_exp > 1 ) / n ()
) |>
unnest (post_medians) |>
mutate (
y_nice = fmt_coef (y),
y_nice_html = fmt_coef (y, html = TRUE )
) |>
mutate (
p_lt_0 = 1 - p_gt_0,
p_gt = fmt_p_inline (p_gt_0, "gt" ),
p_lt = fmt_p_inline (p_lt_0, "lt" ),
p_gt_html = fmt_p_inline (p_gt_0, "gt" , html = TRUE ),
p_lt_html = fmt_p_inline (p_lt_0, "lt" , html = TRUE )
) |>
mutate (
p_d = if_else (y > 1 , p_gt, p_lt),
p_d_html = if_else (y > 1 , p_gt_html, p_lt_html),
plot_label = glue ("{y_nice_html}; {p_d_html}" )
) |>
mutate (or_pct = label_percent (accuracy = 1 )(abs (1 - y)))
## Coefficient plot
#| label: figure-derog-coefs
#| fig-width: 6
#| fig-height: 4.5
#| fig-cap: "Odds ratios for coefficients from logistic regression model predicting the probability of derogation from the ICCPR"
#| out-width: 100%
m_derog_draws |>
mutate (.value = exp (.value)) |>
ggplot (aes (x = .value, y = fct_rev (coef_nice))) +
stat_pointinterval () +
geom_vline (xintercept = 1 , linewidth = 0.25 , linetype = "21" ) +
geom_richtext (
data = derog_coefs, aes (x = y, label = plot_label),
size = 2.7 , nudge_y = 0.35 , label.size = 0.1 , label.colour = "grey50"
) +
scale_x_log10 () +
labs (
x = "Odds ratio" , y = NULL ,
caption = str_wrap (
glue (
"Point shows posterior median;" , "
thick lines show 80% credible interval;" ,
"thin black lines show 95% credible interval" ,
.sep = " "
width = 60
) +
theme_pandem () +
theme (panel.grid.major.y = element_blank ())
## Complete table of results
#| label: table-results-full-derogations
#| tbl-cap: "Complete results from models showing predictors of derogations (H~1~)"
notes <- paste (
"Note: Estimates are median posterior log odds from logistic regression models;" ,
"95% credible intervals (highest density posterior interval, or HDPI) in brackets."
m_tbl_derogations |>
set_names ("Derogation filed" , "Other action" ) |>
modelsummary (
estimate = "{estimate}" ,
statistic = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]" ,
coef_map = coef_map,
gof_map = gof_map,
output = "tinytable" ,
fmt = fmt_significant (2 ),
notes = c (notes),
width = c (0.4 , rep (0.3 , 2 ))
) |>
group_tt (j = list ("ICCPR action" = 2 : 3 )) |>
style_tt (j = 2 : 3 , align = "c" ) |>
style_tt (i = seq (1 , 15 , 2 ), j = 1 , rowspan = 2 , alignv = "t" ) |>
style_tt (
bootstrap_class = "table table-sm"