tbl <- tribble(
  ~` `, ~Derogation, ~`No derogation`,
  "Backsliding", "Transparency about restrictions and violations", "Low/no transparency about restrictions and violations",
  "", "*Motivations*: Legitimation and reputation concerns", "*Motivations*: Leader not concerned about reputation backlash",
  "No backsliding", "High transparency about potential restrictions and violations", "Limited/no transparency about restrictions and violations",
  "", "*Motivations*: Strong rule of law and valuation of international regime", "*Motivations*: Limited concern about reputation backlash and limited valuation of international regime"

tbl |>
  tt(width = c(1, 2, 2)) |>
  format_tt(j = 2:3, markdown = TRUE) |>
  style_tt(j = 1:3, align = "lll") |>
  style_tt(i = seq(1, 5, by = 2), j = 1, bold = TRUE, rowspan = 2, alignv = "t") |>
    bootstrap_class = "table table-sm"

Expectations about state transparency and practices during COVID-19

Derogation No derogation
Backsliding Transparency about restrictions and violations Low/no transparency about restrictions and violations
Motivations: Legitimation and reputation concerns Motivations: Leader not concerned about reputation backlash
No backsliding High transparency about potential restrictions and violations Limited/no transparency about restrictions and violations
Motivations: Strong rule of law and valuation of international regime Motivations: Limited concern about reputation backlash and limited valuation of international regime