tbl <-tribble(~``, ~Derogation, ~`No derogation`,"Backsliding", "Transparency about restrictions and violations", "Low/no transparency about restrictions and violations","", "*Motivations*: Legitimation and reputation concerns", "*Motivations*: Leader not concerned about reputation backlash","No backsliding", "High transparency about potential restrictions and violations", "Limited/no transparency about restrictions and violations","", "*Motivations*: Strong rule of law and valuation of international regime", "*Motivations*: Limited concern about reputation backlash and limited valuation of international regime")tbl |>tt(width =c(1, 2, 2)) |>format_tt(j =2:3, markdown =TRUE) |>style_tt(j =1:3, align ="lll") |>style_tt(i =seq(1, 5, by =2), j =1, bold =TRUE, rowspan =2, alignv ="t") |>style_tt(bootstrap_class ="table table-sm" )
Expectations about state transparency and practices during
No derogation
Transparency about restrictions and violations
Low/no transparency about restrictions and violations
Motivations: Legitimation and reputation concerns
Motivations: Leader not concerned about reputation backlash
No backsliding
High transparency about potential restrictions and violations
Limited/no transparency about restrictions and violations
Motivations: Strong rule of law and valuation of international regime
Motivations: Limited concern about reputation backlash and limited valuation of international regime
H1: States experiencing democratic backsliding will be more likely to issue derogations.
H2: States experiencing democratic backsliding will be more likely to abuse human rights.
H3: States experiencing democratic backsliding that also issue derogations will be less likely to abuse human rights than states that only backslide.
---title: "Hypotheses"format: html: code-fold: true---```{r}#| label: setup#| include: falseknitr::opts_chunk$set(# echo = FALSE, include = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE,fig.width =6, fig.height = (6*0.618), out.width ="80%",fig.align ="center", fig.retina =3,collapse =TRUE)options(digits =3, width =120, dplyr.summarise.inform =FALSE)``````{r}#| label: libraries-data#| warning: false#| message: falselibrary(tidyverse)library(tinytable)``````{r}#| label: table-expectations#| tbl-cap: "Expectations about state transparency and practices during COVID-19"tbl <-tribble(~``, ~Derogation, ~`No derogation`,"Backsliding", "Transparency about restrictions and violations", "Low/no transparency about restrictions and violations","", "*Motivations*: Legitimation and reputation concerns", "*Motivations*: Leader not concerned about reputation backlash","No backsliding", "High transparency about potential restrictions and violations", "Limited/no transparency about restrictions and violations","", "*Motivations*: Strong rule of law and valuation of international regime", "*Motivations*: Limited concern about reputation backlash and limited valuation of international regime")tbl |>tt(width =c(1, 2, 2)) |>format_tt(j =2:3, markdown =TRUE) |>style_tt(j =1:3, align ="lll") |>style_tt(i =seq(1, 5, by =2), j =1, bold =TRUE, rowspan =2, alignv ="t") |>style_tt(bootstrap_class ="table table-sm" )```- **H~1~**: States experiencing democratic backsliding will be more likely to issue derogations.- **H~2~**: States experiencing democratic backsliding will be more likely to abuse human rights.- **H~3~**: States experiencing democratic backsliding that also issue derogations will be less likely to abuse human rights than states that only backslide.