library(tidyverse)library(targets)library(here)library(sf)library(ggrepel)library(scales)# Point to the _targets folder location since this qmd is in a subfoldertar_config_set(store = here::here('_targets'),script = here::here('_targets.R'))# Load targetstar_load(ongo)mapdata <-tar_read(ongo_mapdata)invisible(list2env(tar_read(graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))set_annotation_fonts()
Timeline of ONGO registrations
ggplot(ongo, aes(x = registration_date)) +geom_histogram(binwidth =365.25/4, boundary =ymd("2017-01-01"), fill = clrs[6], color ="white") +scale_x_date(date_breaks ="years", date_labels ="%Y") +labs(x =NULL, y ="Count of new ONGO registrations") +theme_ongo()
Distribution of outcome
ggplot(ongo, aes(x = province_count)) +geom_histogram(binwidth =1, size =0.1, boundary =0,fill = clrs[6], color ="white") +labs(x ="Number of provinces INGOs are authorized to work in", y ="Count") +theme_ongo()
provinces_collapsed <- ongo |>drop_na(province_count) |>mutate(province_count =case_when( province_count ==1~"1 province", province_count >1& province_count <32~"2–31 provinces", province_count ==32~"32 provinces" )) ggplot(provinces_collapsed, aes(x = province_count)) +geom_bar(fill = clrs[6]) +scale_y_continuous(sec.axis =sec_axis(trans =~ . /nrow(provinces_collapsed),labels =label_percent())) +labs(x ="Number of provinces INGOs are authorized to work in", y ="Count") +theme_ongo()
Issue areas
issue_count <- ongo |>drop_na(work_field_code1) |>group_by(work_field_code1) |>summarize(n =n()) |>mutate(work_field_code1 =fct_reorder(work_field_code1, n))ggplot(issue_count, aes(y = work_field_code1, x = n)) +geom_col(fill = clrs[5]) +labs(x ="Count of ONGOs", y =NULL) +theme_ongo()
Map of provinces and counts
# Use aes(geometry) and stat = "sf_coordinates" to make geom_label_repel() work# with geom_sf(): +geom_sf(data = mapdata, aes(fill = ro_count), linewidth =0.3, color ="white") +scale_fill_distiller(palette ="Reds", direction =1, guide ="none") +geom_label_repel(data =filter(mapdata, ro_count >0), aes(label = ro_count, geometry = geometry),stat ="sf_coordinates", seed =1234, label.size =0.1, size =3,segment.color ="black", segment.size =0.5, min.segment.length =0) +coord_sf(crs =st_crs("EPSG:4480")) +# China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000theme_void()