h5a_tbl_mm <- h5a_mms %>%group_by(feat_transp_short) %>%median_qi() %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>%arrange(desc(feat_transp_short)) %>%select(feat_transp_short, nice)h5a_tbl_amces <- h5a_amces %>%group_by(feat_transp_short) %>%summarize(median_qi(avg),p_gt_0 =sum(avg >0) /n() ) %>%mutate(p_neq_0 =ifelse(y >=0, p_gt_0, 1- p_gt_0)) %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>%mutate(feat_transp_short =str_replace(feat_transp_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>%mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>%arrange(desc(feat_transp_short)) %>%select(contrast = feat_transp_short, amce_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5a_tbl_mm, add_row(h5a_tbl_amces, contrast ="*(Reference)*")) %>%gt() %>%sub_missing(columns =everything(), missing_text ="—") %>%fmt_markdown(columns =c(nice, amce_nice, contrast)) %>%cols_align(align ="center", columns =everything()) %>%cols_align(align ="left", columns =c(feat_transp_short, contrast)) %>%cols_label(feat_transp_short ="Transparency", nice ="Posterior EMM",contrast ="Contrast",amce_nice ="Posterior AMCE",p_neq_0 ="*p*~direction~",.fn = md ) %>%tab_style(style =cell_text(v_align ="top"),locations =cells_body() ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote ="Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.",locations =cells_column_labels(columns =c(nice, amce_nice)) ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote =md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior AMCE is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior AMCE that is the sign of the median."),locations =cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>%gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style ="dashed", weight =px(1)) %>%opt_footnote_marks(marks ="standard") %>%opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>%opts_theme()
Posterior EMM*
Posterior AMCE*
[0.299, 0.314]
[0.094, 0.112]
[0.198, 0.210]
* Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.
† The probability of direction (pdirection) is the probability that the posterior AMCE is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior AMCE that is the sign of the median.
H5b: Relationship with host government and organizational practices
Hypothesis 5b: Relationship with host government, organizational practices
Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent
p_h5b_mms <- h5b_mms %>%ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) +stat_halfeye() +geom_vline(xintercept =0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype ="dashed", linewidth =0.25) +scale_x_continuous(labels =label_percent()) +scale_y_discrete(labels =label_wrap(11)) +scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide ="none") +facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol =1) +labs(x ="Overall average predicted probability",y =NULL,fill =NULL,title ="Estimated marginal means" ) +theme(legend.position ="top",legend.justification ="left",legend.margin =margin(l =-7, t =0) )p_h5b_amces <- h5b_amces %>%ungroup() %>%separate_wider_delim( feat_transp_short,delim =" - ", names =c("feat_transp_short", "reference_level") ) %>%add_row(avg =0, feat_transp_short ="No", feat_govt ="Friendly relationship with government") %>%add_row(avg =0, feat_transp_short ="No", feat_govt ="Criticized by government") %>%add_row(avg =0, feat_transp_short ="No", feat_govt ="Under government crackdown") %>%mutate(feat_transp_short =factor(feat_transp_short, levels =levels(h5b_mms$feat_transp_short))) %>%mutate(feat_govt =factor(feat_govt, levels =levels(h5b_mms$feat_govt))) %>%ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) +stat_halfeye() +geom_vline(xintercept =0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype ="dashed", linewidth =0.25) +scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) +scale_y_discrete(labels =label_wrap(11)) +scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide ="none") +facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol =1) +labs(x ="Percentage point change in probability of choice selection",y =NULL,fill =NULL,title ="Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5b_mms | p_h5b_amces
h5b_tbl_mm <- h5b_mms %>%group_by(feat_govt, feat_transp_short) %>%median_qi() %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>%arrange(desc(feat_govt), desc(feat_transp_short)) %>%select(feat_transp_short, feat_govt, nice)h5b_tbl_amces <- h5b_amces %>%group_by(feat_govt, feat_transp_short) %>%summarize(median_qi(avg),p_gt_0 =sum(avg >0) /n() ) %>%ungroup() %>%mutate(p_neq_0 =ifelse(y >=0, p_gt_0, 1- p_gt_0)) %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>%mutate(feat_transp_short =str_replace(feat_transp_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>%mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>%arrange(desc(feat_govt)) %>%select(contrast = feat_transp_short, diff_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5b_tbl_mm, h5b_tbl_amces %>%add_row(contrast =NA, .after =1) %>%add_row(contrast =NA, .after =3) %>%add_row(contrast =NA, .after =5)) %>%mutate(feat_govt =fct_relabel(feat_govt, ~paste("Relationship with government:", .x))) %>%group_by(feat_govt) %>%gt() %>%sub_missing(columns =everything(), missing_text ="—") %>%fmt_markdown(columns =c(nice, diff_nice, contrast)) %>%cols_align(align ="center", columns =everything()) %>%cols_align(align ="left", columns =c(feat_transp_short, contrast)) %>%cols_label(feat_transp_short ="Transparency", nice ="Posterior EMM",contrast ="Contrast",diff_nice ="Posterior ∆",p_neq_0 ="*p*~direction~",.fn = md ) %>%tab_style(style =cell_text(v_align ="top"),locations =cells_body() ) %>%tab_style(style =cell_fill(color ="grey90"),locations =cells_row_groups() ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote ="Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.",locations =cells_column_labels(columns =c(nice, diff_nice)) ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote =md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior difference in marginal means is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior difference in marginal means that is the sign of the median."),locations =cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>%gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style ="dashed", weight =px(1)) %>%opt_footnote_marks(marks ="standard") %>%opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>%opts_theme()
Posterior EMM*
Posterior ∆*
Relationship with government: Under government crackdown
[0.245, 0.264]
[0.083, 0.098]
[0.156, 0.171]
Relationship with government: Criticized by government
[0.284, 0.304]
[0.092, 0.110]
[0.185, 0.201]
Relationship with government: Friendly relationship with government
[0.361, 0.383]
[0.108, 0.128]
[0.245, 0.264]
* Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.
† The probability of direction (pdirection) is the probability that the posterior difference in marginal means is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior difference in marginal means that is the sign of the median.
Hypothesis 5b2: Relationship with host government, organizational practices
Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are accountable and hold regular third party audits
p_h5b2_mms <- h5b2_mms %>%ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_acc_short, fill = feat_acc_short)) +stat_halfeye() +geom_vline(xintercept =0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype ="dashed", linewidth =0.25) +scale_x_continuous(labels =label_percent()) +scale_y_discrete(labels =label_wrap(11)) +scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(9, 4)], guide ="none") +facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol =1) +labs(x ="Overall average predicted probability",y =NULL,fill =NULL,title ="Estimated marginal means" ) +theme(legend.position ="top",legend.justification ="left",legend.margin =margin(l =-7, t =0) )p_h5b2_amces <- h5b2_amces %>%ungroup() %>%separate_wider_delim( feat_acc_short,delim =" - ", names =c("feat_acc_short", "reference_level") ) %>%add_row(avg =0, feat_acc_short ="No", feat_govt ="Friendly relationship with government") %>%add_row(avg =0, feat_acc_short ="No", feat_govt ="Criticized by government") %>%add_row(avg =0, feat_acc_short ="No", feat_govt ="Under government crackdown") %>%mutate(feat_acc_short =factor(feat_acc_short, levels =levels(h5b2_mms$feat_acc_short))) %>%mutate(feat_govt =factor(feat_govt, levels =levels(h5b2_mms$feat_govt))) %>%ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_acc_short, fill = feat_acc_short)) +stat_halfeye() +geom_vline(xintercept =0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype ="dashed", linewidth =0.25) +scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) +scale_y_discrete(labels =label_wrap(11)) +scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(9, 4)], guide ="none") +facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol =1) +labs(x ="Percentage point change in probability of choice selection",y =NULL,fill =NULL,title ="Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5b2_mms | p_h5b2_amces
h5b2_tbl_mm <- h5b2_mms %>%group_by(feat_govt, feat_acc_short) %>%median_qi() %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>%arrange(desc(feat_govt), desc(feat_acc_short)) %>%select(feat_acc_short, feat_govt, nice)h5b2_tbl_amces <- h5b2_amces %>%group_by(feat_govt, feat_acc_short) %>%summarize(median_qi(avg),p_gt_0 =sum(avg >0) /n() ) %>%ungroup() %>%mutate(p_neq_0 =ifelse(y >=0, p_gt_0, 1- p_gt_0)) %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>%mutate(feat_acc_short =str_replace(feat_acc_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>%mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>%arrange(desc(feat_govt)) %>%select(contrast = feat_acc_short, diff_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5b2_tbl_mm, h5b2_tbl_amces %>%add_row(contrast =NA, .after =1) %>%add_row(contrast =NA, .after =3) %>%add_row(contrast =NA, .after =5)) %>%mutate(feat_govt =fct_relabel(feat_govt, ~paste("Relationship with government:", .x))) %>%group_by(feat_govt) %>%gt() %>%sub_missing(columns =everything(), missing_text ="—") %>%fmt_markdown(columns =c(nice, diff_nice, contrast)) %>%cols_align(align ="center", columns =everything()) %>%cols_align(align ="left", columns =c(feat_acc_short, contrast)) %>%cols_label(feat_acc_short ="Accountability", nice ="Posterior EMM",contrast ="Contrast",diff_nice ="Posterior ∆",p_neq_0 ="*p*~direction~",.fn = md ) %>%tab_style(style =cell_text(v_align ="top"),locations =cells_body() ) %>%tab_style(style =cell_fill(color ="grey90"),locations =cells_row_groups() ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote ="Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.",locations =cells_column_labels(columns =c(nice, diff_nice)) ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote =md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior difference in marginal means is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior difference in marginal means that is the sign of the median."),locations =cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>%gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style ="dashed", weight =px(1)) %>%opt_footnote_marks(marks ="standard") %>%opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>%opts_theme()
Posterior EMM*
Posterior ∆*
Relationship with government: Under government crackdown
[0.244, 0.263]
[0.081, 0.097]
[0.157, 0.172]
Relationship with government: Criticized by government
[0.283, 0.303]
[0.090, 0.108]
[0.186, 0.202]
Relationship with government: Friendly relationship with government
[0.360, 0.381]
[0.106, 0.125]
[0.246, 0.265]
* Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.
† The probability of direction (pdirection) is the probability that the posterior difference in marginal means is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior difference in marginal means that is the sign of the median.
H5c: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and funding sources
Hypothesis 5c: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and funding sources
Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent and are funded primarily by numerous small private donors
H5d: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and issue area
Hypothesis 5d: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and issue area
Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent and work in less contentious areas (emergency response and refugee relief)
H5e: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, issue area, and funding sources
Hypothesis 5e: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, issue area, and funding sources
Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent and work in less contentious areas (emergency response and refugee relief) and are funded by numerous small donors
Donors should be no more or less likely to donate to NGOs that are accountable and hold regular third party audits
Mechanism: Donors don’t necessarily seek assurance through third-party programs/audits and charity watchdogs, but rather through word of mouth, personal scrutiny and local networks
h5f_tbl_mm <- h5f_mms %>%group_by(feat_acc_short) %>%median_qi() %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>%arrange(desc(feat_acc_short)) %>%select(feat_acc_short, nice)h5f_tbl_amces <- h5f_amces %>%group_by(feat_acc_short) %>%summarize(median_qi(avg),p_gt_0 =sum(avg >0) /n() ) %>%mutate(p_neq_0 =ifelse(y >=0, p_gt_0, 1- p_gt_0)) %>%mutate(nice =glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>%mutate(feat_acc_short =str_replace(feat_acc_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>%mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>%arrange(desc(feat_acc_short)) %>%select(contrast = feat_acc_short, amce_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5f_tbl_mm, add_row(h5f_tbl_amces, contrast ="*(Reference)*")) %>%gt() %>%sub_missing(columns =everything(), missing_text ="—") %>%fmt_markdown(columns =c(nice, amce_nice, contrast)) %>%cols_align(align ="center", columns =everything()) %>%cols_align(align ="left", columns =c(feat_acc_short, contrast)) %>%cols_label(feat_acc_short ="Accountability", nice ="Posterior EMM",contrast ="Contrast",amce_nice ="Posterior AMCE",p_neq_0 ="*p*~direction~",.fn = md ) %>%tab_style(style =cell_text(v_align ="top"),locations =cells_body() ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote ="Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.",locations =cells_column_labels(columns =c(nice, amce_nice)) ) %>%tab_footnote(footnote =md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior AMCE is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior AMCE that is the sign of the median."),locations =cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>%gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style ="dashed", weight =px(1)) %>%opt_footnote_marks(marks ="standard") %>%opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>%opts_theme()
Posterior EMM*
Posterior AMCE*
[0.299, 0.313]
[0.092, 0.110]
[0.198, 0.211]
* Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.
† The probability of direction (pdirection) is the probability that the posterior AMCE is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior AMCE that is the sign of the median.
Source Code
---title: "H~5~: Organizational practices"format: html: code-fold: true---```{r setup, include=FALSE}knitr::opts_chunk$set( fig.align = "center", fig.retina = 3, fig.width = 6, fig.height = (6 * 0.618), out.width = "80%", collapse = TRUE, dev = "ragg_png")options( digits = 3, width = 120, dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE, knitr.kable.NA = "")``````{r libraries-data, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}library(tidyverse)library(targets)library(tidybayes)library(patchwork)library(scales)library(ggh4x)library(glue)library(gt)library(gtExtras)tar_config_set( store = here::here("_targets"), script = here::here("_targets.R"))preds_all <- tar_read(preds_conditional_treatment_only)invisible(list2env(tar_read(graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))invisible(list2env(tar_read(table_functions), .GlobalEnv))theme_set(theme_ngo())```# H~5a~: Financial transparency::: {.callout-tip icon=false}## {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~a~: Financial transparency**Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are financially transparent***Mechanism: Perception of efficacy*:::## Estimand$$\begin{aligned}\theta =&\ \textbf{E}\bigl[ Y_i \mid \operatorname{do}\left( \text{Transparency} = \text{Yes} \right) \bigr]\end{aligned}$$```{r h5a-calc-estimands}h5a_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_transp_short, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5a_amces <- h5a_mms %>% group_by(feat_transp_short) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_transp_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5a-mm-amce, fig.width=10, fig.height=4, out.width="100%"}#| column: body-outset-rightp_h5a_mms <- h5a_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" )p_h5a_amces <- h5a_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_transp_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_transp_short", "reference_level") ) %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_transp_short = unique(.$reference_level)) %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = factor(feat_transp_short, levels = levels(h5a_mms$feat_transp_short))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Average marginal component effects (AMCEs)" )p_h5a_mms | p_h5a_amces``````{r table-h5a-mm-amce}#| column: body-outset-righth5a_tbl_mm <- h5a_mms %>% group_by(feat_transp_short) %>% median_qi() %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>% arrange(desc(feat_transp_short)) %>% select(feat_transp_short, nice)h5a_tbl_amces <- h5a_amces %>% group_by(feat_transp_short) %>% summarize( median_qi(avg), p_gt_0 = sum(avg > 0) / n() ) %>% mutate(p_neq_0 = ifelse(y >= 0, p_gt_0, 1 - p_gt_0)) %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = str_replace(feat_transp_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>% mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>% arrange(desc(feat_transp_short)) %>% select(contrast = feat_transp_short, amce_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5a_tbl_mm, add_row(h5a_tbl_amces, contrast = "*(Reference)*")) %>% gt() %>% sub_missing(columns = everything(), missing_text = "—") %>% fmt_markdown(columns = c(nice, amce_nice, contrast)) %>% cols_align(align = "center", columns = everything()) %>% cols_align(align = "left", columns = c(feat_transp_short, contrast)) %>% cols_label( feat_transp_short = "Transparency", nice = "Posterior EMM", contrast = "Contrast", amce_nice = "Posterior AMCE", p_neq_0 = "*p*~direction~", .fn = md ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_text(v_align = "top"), locations = cells_body() ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.", locations = cells_column_labels(columns = c(nice, amce_nice)) ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior AMCE is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior AMCE that is the sign of the median."), locations = cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>% gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style = "dashed", weight = px(1)) %>% opt_footnote_marks(marks = "standard") %>% opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>% opts_theme()```# H~5b~: Relationship with host government and organizational practices## Transparency::: {.callout-tip icon=false}### {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~b~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices**Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent**:::$$\begin{aligned}\theta =&\ \textbf{E}\bigl[ Y_i \mid \operatorname{do}\left( \text{Transparency} = \text{Yes} \mid \text{Relationship = Under crackdown or Criticized} \right) \bigr] - \\&\ \textbf{E}\bigl[ Y_i \mid \operatorname{do}\left( \text{Transparency} = \text{Yes} \mid \text{Relationship = Friendly} \right) \bigr]\end{aligned}$$```{r h5b-calc-estimands}h5b_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_transp_short, feat_govt, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5b_amces <- h5b_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_transp_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5b-mm-amce, fig.width=10, fig.height=6.5, out.width="100%"}#| column: body-outset-rightp_h5b_mms <- h5b_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol = 1) + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" ) + theme( legend.position = "top", legend.justification = "left", legend.margin = margin(l = -7, t = 0) )p_h5b_amces <- h5b_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_transp_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_transp_short", "reference_level") ) %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_transp_short = "No", feat_govt = "Friendly relationship with government") %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_transp_short = "No", feat_govt = "Criticized by government") %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_transp_short = "No", feat_govt = "Under government crackdown") %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = factor(feat_transp_short, levels = levels(h5b_mms$feat_transp_short))) %>% mutate(feat_govt = factor(feat_govt, levels = levels(h5b_mms$feat_govt))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol = 1) + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5b_mms | p_h5b_amces``````{r table-h5b-mm-amce}#| column: body-outset-righth5b_tbl_mm <- h5b_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_transp_short) %>% median_qi() %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>% arrange(desc(feat_govt), desc(feat_transp_short)) %>% select(feat_transp_short, feat_govt, nice)h5b_tbl_amces <- h5b_amces %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_transp_short) %>% summarize( median_qi(avg), p_gt_0 = sum(avg > 0) / n() ) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(p_neq_0 = ifelse(y >= 0, p_gt_0, 1 - p_gt_0)) %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = str_replace(feat_transp_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>% mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>% arrange(desc(feat_govt)) %>% select(contrast = feat_transp_short, diff_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5b_tbl_mm, h5b_tbl_amces %>% add_row(contrast = NA, .after = 1) %>% add_row(contrast = NA, .after = 3) %>% add_row(contrast = NA, .after = 5)) %>% mutate(feat_govt = fct_relabel(feat_govt, ~paste("Relationship with government:", .x))) %>% group_by(feat_govt) %>% gt() %>% sub_missing(columns = everything(), missing_text = "—") %>% fmt_markdown(columns = c(nice, diff_nice, contrast)) %>% cols_align(align = "center", columns = everything()) %>% cols_align(align = "left", columns = c(feat_transp_short, contrast)) %>% cols_label( feat_transp_short = "Transparency", nice = "Posterior EMM", contrast = "Contrast", diff_nice = "Posterior ∆", p_neq_0 = "*p*~direction~", .fn = md ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_text(v_align = "top"), locations = cells_body() ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_fill(color = "grey90"), locations = cells_row_groups() ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.", locations = cells_column_labels(columns = c(nice, diff_nice)) ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior difference in marginal means is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior difference in marginal means that is the sign of the median."), locations = cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>% gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style = "dashed", weight = px(1)) %>% opt_footnote_marks(marks = "standard") %>% opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>% opts_theme()```## Accountability::: {.callout-tip icon=false}### {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~b2~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices**Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are accountable and hold regular third party audits**:::$$\begin{aligned}\theta =&\ \textbf{E}\bigl[ Y_i \mid \operatorname{do}\left( \text{Accountability} = \text{Yes} \mid \text{Relationship = Under crackdown or Criticized} \right) \bigr] - \\&\ \textbf{E}\bigl[ Y_i \mid \operatorname{do}\left( \text{Accountability} = \text{Yes} \mid \text{Relationship = Friendly} \right) \bigr]\end{aligned}$$```{r h5b2-calc-estimands}h5b2_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_acc_short, feat_govt, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5b2_amces <- h5b2_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_acc_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5b2-mm-amce, fig.width=10, fig.height=6.5, out.width="100%"}#| column: body-outset-rightp_h5b2_mms <- h5b2_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_acc_short, fill = feat_acc_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(9, 4)], guide = "none") + facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol = 1) + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" ) + theme( legend.position = "top", legend.justification = "left", legend.margin = margin(l = -7, t = 0) )p_h5b2_amces <- h5b2_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_acc_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_acc_short", "reference_level") ) %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_acc_short = "No", feat_govt = "Friendly relationship with government") %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_acc_short = "No", feat_govt = "Criticized by government") %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_acc_short = "No", feat_govt = "Under government crackdown") %>% mutate(feat_acc_short = factor(feat_acc_short, levels = levels(h5b2_mms$feat_acc_short))) %>% mutate(feat_govt = factor(feat_govt, levels = levels(h5b2_mms$feat_govt))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_acc_short, fill = feat_acc_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(9, 4)], guide = "none") + facet_wrap(vars(feat_govt), ncol = 1) + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5b2_mms | p_h5b2_amces``````{r table-h5b2-mm-amce}#| column: body-outset-righth5b2_tbl_mm <- h5b2_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_acc_short) %>% median_qi() %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>% arrange(desc(feat_govt), desc(feat_acc_short)) %>% select(feat_acc_short, feat_govt, nice)h5b2_tbl_amces <- h5b2_amces %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_acc_short) %>% summarize( median_qi(avg), p_gt_0 = sum(avg > 0) / n() ) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(p_neq_0 = ifelse(y >= 0, p_gt_0, 1 - p_gt_0)) %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>% mutate(feat_acc_short = str_replace(feat_acc_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>% mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>% arrange(desc(feat_govt)) %>% select(contrast = feat_acc_short, diff_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5b2_tbl_mm, h5b2_tbl_amces %>% add_row(contrast = NA, .after = 1) %>% add_row(contrast = NA, .after = 3) %>% add_row(contrast = NA, .after = 5)) %>% mutate(feat_govt = fct_relabel(feat_govt, ~paste("Relationship with government:", .x))) %>% group_by(feat_govt) %>% gt() %>% sub_missing(columns = everything(), missing_text = "—") %>% fmt_markdown(columns = c(nice, diff_nice, contrast)) %>% cols_align(align = "center", columns = everything()) %>% cols_align(align = "left", columns = c(feat_acc_short, contrast)) %>% cols_label( feat_acc_short = "Accountability", nice = "Posterior EMM", contrast = "Contrast", diff_nice = "Posterior ∆", p_neq_0 = "*p*~direction~", .fn = md ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_text(v_align = "top"), locations = cells_body() ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_fill(color = "grey90"), locations = cells_row_groups() ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.", locations = cells_column_labels(columns = c(nice, diff_nice)) ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior difference in marginal means is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior difference in marginal means that is the sign of the median."), locations = cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>% gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style = "dashed", weight = px(1)) %>% opt_footnote_marks(marks = "standard") %>% opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>% opts_theme()```## H~5c~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and funding sources::: {.callout-tip icon=false}## {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~c~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and funding sources**Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent and are funded primarily by numerous small private donors**:::## EstimandTODO```{r h5c-calc-estimands}h5c_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_transp_short, feat_govt, feat_funding_short, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5c_amces <- h5c_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_funding_short) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_transp_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5c-mm-amce, fig.width=10, fig.height=6.5, out.width="100%"}#| column: body-outset-rightp_h5c_mms <- h5c_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_nested_wrap( vars(feat_govt, feat_funding_short), ncol = 3, strip = strip_nested( text_x = list(element_text( family = "Libre Franklin", face = "bold" ), NULL), background_x = list(element_rect(fill = "grey96"), NULL), by_layer_x = TRUE ) ) + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" ) + theme( legend.position = "top", legend.justification = "left", legend.margin = margin(l = -7, t = 0) )p_h5c_mmsbaselines <- expand_grid( avg = 0, feat_transp_short = "No", feat_govt = levels(h5c_mms$feat_govt), feat_funding_short = levels(h5c_mms$feat_funding_short))p_h5c_amces <- h5c_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_transp_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_transp_short", "reference_level") ) %>% bind_rows(baselines) %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = factor(feat_transp_short, levels = levels(h5c_mms$feat_transp_short))) %>% mutate(feat_govt = factor(feat_govt, levels = levels(h5c_mms$feat_govt))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_nested_wrap( vars(feat_govt, feat_funding_short), ncol = 3, strip = strip_nested( text_x = list(element_text( family = "Libre Franklin", face = "bold" ), NULL), background_x = list(element_rect(fill = "grey96"), NULL), by_layer_x = TRUE ) ) + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5c_amces```# H~5d~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and issue area::: {.callout-tip icon=false}## {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~d~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, and issue area**Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent and work in less contentious areas (emergency response and refugee relief)**:::## EstimandTODO```{r h5d-calc-estimands}h5d_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_transp_short, feat_govt, feat_issue, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5d_amces <- h5d_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_issue) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_transp_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5d-mm-amce, fig.width=10, fig.height=6.5, out.width="100%"}#| column: body-outset-rightp_h5d_mms <- h5d_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_nested_wrap( vars(feat_govt, feat_issue), ncol = 4, strip = strip_nested( text_x = list(element_text( family = "Libre Franklin", face = "bold" ), NULL), background_x = list(element_rect(fill = "grey96"), NULL), by_layer_x = TRUE ) ) + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" ) + theme( legend.position = "top", legend.justification = "left", legend.margin = margin(l = -7, t = 0) )p_h5d_mmsbaselines <- expand_grid( avg = 0, feat_transp_short = "No", feat_govt = levels(h5d_mms$feat_govt), feat_issue = levels(h5d_mms$feat_issue))p_h5d_amces <- h5d_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_transp_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_transp_short", "reference_level") ) %>% bind_rows(baselines) %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = factor(feat_transp_short, levels = levels(h5d_mms$feat_transp_short))) %>% mutate(feat_govt = factor(feat_govt, levels = levels(h5d_mms$feat_govt))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_nested_wrap( vars(feat_govt, feat_issue), ncol = 4, strip = strip_nested( text_x = list(element_text( family = "Libre Franklin", face = "bold" ), NULL), background_x = list(element_rect(fill = "grey96"), NULL), by_layer_x = TRUE ) ) + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5d_amces```# H~5e~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, issue area, and funding sources::: {.callout-tip icon=false}## {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~e~: Relationship with host government, organizational practices, issue area, and funding sources**Donors will show increased willingness to donate to NGOs that are criticized by the government/under government crackdown when they are also financially transparent and work in less contentious areas (emergency response and refugee relief) and are funded by numerous small donors**:::TODO```{r h5e-calc-estimands}h5e_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_transp_short, feat_govt, feat_funding_short, feat_issue, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5e_amces <- h5e_mms %>% group_by(feat_govt, feat_funding_short, feat_issue) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_transp_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5e-mm-amce, fig.width=14, fig.height=6.5, out.width="100%"}#| column: pagep_h5e_mms <- h5e_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_nested_wrap( vars(feat_govt, feat_funding_short, feat_issue), ncol = 12, strip = strip_nested( text_x = list(element_text( family = "Libre Franklin", face = "bold" ), NULL), background_x = list(element_rect(fill = "grey96"), NULL), by_layer_x = TRUE ) ) + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" ) + theme( legend.position = "top", legend.justification = "left", legend.margin = margin(l = -7, t = 0) )p_h5e_mmsbaselines <- expand_grid( avg = 0, feat_transp_short = "No", feat_govt = levels(h5e_mms$feat_govt), feat_funding_short = levels(h5e_mms$feat_funding_short), feat_issue = levels(h5e_mms$feat_issue))p_h5e_amces <- h5e_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_transp_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_transp_short", "reference_level") ) %>% bind_rows(baselines) %>% mutate(feat_transp_short = factor(feat_transp_short, levels = levels(h5e_mms$feat_transp_short))) %>% mutate(feat_govt = factor(feat_govt, levels = levels(h5e_mms$feat_govt))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_transp_short, fill = feat_transp_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(10, 3)], guide = "none") + facet_nested_wrap( vars(feat_govt, feat_funding_short, feat_issue), ncol = 12, strip = strip_nested( text_x = list(element_text( family = "Libre Franklin", face = "bold" ), NULL), background_x = list(element_rect(fill = "grey96"), NULL), by_layer_x = TRUE ) ) + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Difference in estimated marginal means" )p_h5e_amces```# H~5f~: Accountability::: {.callout-tip icon=false}## {{< iconify fa6-solid flask-vial >}} Hypothesis 5~f~: Accountability**Donors should be no more or less likely to donate to NGOs that are accountable and hold regular third party audits***Mechanism: Donors don't necessarily seek assurance through third-party programs/audits and charity watchdogs, but rather through word of mouth, personal scrutiny and local networks*:::## Estimand$$\begin{aligned}\theta =&\ \textbf{E}\bigl[ Y_i \mid \operatorname{do}\left( \text{Accountability} = \text{Yes} \right) \bigr]\end{aligned}$$```{r h5f-calc-estimands}h5f_mms <- preds_all %>% group_by(feat_acc_short, .draw) %>% summarize(avg = mean(.epred))h5f_amces <- h5f_mms %>% group_by(feat_acc_short) %>% compare_levels(variable = avg, by = feat_acc_short, comparison = "control")``````{r plot-h5f-mm-amce, fig.width=10, fig.height=4, out.width="100%"}#| column: body-outset-rightp_h5f_mms <- h5f_mms %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_acc_short, fill = feat_acc_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.25, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(9, 4)], guide = "none") + labs( x = "Overall average predicted probability", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Estimated marginal means" )p_h5f_amces <- h5f_amces %>% ungroup() %>% separate_wider_delim( feat_acc_short, delim = " - ", names = c("feat_acc_short", "reference_level") ) %>% add_row(avg = 0, feat_acc_short = unique(.$reference_level)) %>% mutate(feat_acc_short = factor(feat_acc_short, levels = levels(h5f_mms$feat_acc_short))) %>% ggplot(aes(x = avg, y = feat_acc_short, fill = feat_acc_short)) + stat_halfeye() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = clrs$prism[8], linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.25) + scale_x_continuous(labels = label_pp) + scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap(11)) + scale_fill_manual(values = clrs$prism[c(9, 4)], guide = "none") + labs( x = "Percentage point change in probability of choice selection", y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Average marginal component effects (AMCEs)" )p_h5f_mms | p_h5f_amces``````{r table-h5f-mm-amce}#| column: body-outset-righth5f_tbl_mm <- h5f_mms %>% group_by(feat_acc_short) %>% median_qi() %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(avg)}<br>{build_ci(.lower, .upper)}")) %>% arrange(desc(feat_acc_short)) %>% select(feat_acc_short, nice)h5f_tbl_amces <- h5f_amces %>% group_by(feat_acc_short) %>% summarize( median_qi(avg), p_gt_0 = sum(avg > 0) / n() ) %>% mutate(p_neq_0 = ifelse(y >= 0, p_gt_0, 1 - p_gt_0)) %>% mutate(nice = glue("{fmt_decimal(y)}<br>{build_ci(ymin, ymax)}")) %>% mutate(feat_acc_short = str_replace(feat_acc_short, " - ", "−<br>")) %>% mutate(across(starts_with("p_"), ~fmt_decimal(.))) %>% arrange(desc(feat_acc_short)) %>% select(contrast = feat_acc_short, amce_nice = nice, p_neq_0)bind_cols( h5f_tbl_mm, add_row(h5f_tbl_amces, contrast = "*(Reference)*")) %>% gt() %>% sub_missing(columns = everything(), missing_text = "—") %>% fmt_markdown(columns = c(nice, amce_nice, contrast)) %>% cols_align(align = "center", columns = everything()) %>% cols_align(align = "left", columns = c(feat_acc_short, contrast)) %>% cols_label( feat_acc_short = "Accountability", nice = "Posterior EMM", contrast = "Contrast", amce_nice = "Posterior AMCE", p_neq_0 = "*p*~direction~", .fn = md ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_text(v_align = "top"), locations = cells_body() ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Values are on the percentage-point scale; single value is posterior median; 95% credible interval in brackets.", locations = cells_column_labels(columns = c(nice, amce_nice)) ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = md("The probability of direction (*p*~direction~) is the probability that the posterior AMCE is strictly positive or negative—it is the proportion of the posterior AMCE that is the sign of the median."), locations = cells_column_labels(columns = p_neq_0) ) %>% gt_add_divider(columns = nice, style = "dashed", weight = px(1)) %>% opt_footnote_marks(marks = "standard") %>% opt_horizontal_padding(3) %>% opts_theme()```