These multilevel multinomial models are huge and unwieldy—the model with just the treatment variables and respondent-specific intercepts has 3,098 coefficients/parameters (!!).
So here, for the sake of illustration, we show just four parameters: one of the intercepts and a treatment coefficient from each of the µs. These plots show that the chains are stable, well-mixed, and converged.
These are histograms of the ranks of the parameter draws across the four chains. If the chains are exploring the same space efficiently, the histograms should be similar and overlapping and no one chain should have a specific rank for a long time (McElreath 2020, 284).
They do.
plot_trank(m_treatment_only, params_to_show)
Posterior predictions
The model should generate predictions that align with the observed outcomes. It does.
McElreath, Richard. 2020. Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman and Hall / CRC.
Source Code
---title: "Model diagnostics"---```{r setup, include=FALSE}knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.align ="center", fig.retina =3,fig.width =6, fig.height = (6*0.618),out.width ="80%", collapse =TRUE,dev ="ragg_png")options(digits =3, width =120,dplyr.summarise.inform =FALSE,knitr.kable.NA ="")``````{r libraries-data, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}library(tidyverse)library(targets)library(tidybayes)library(glue)library(gt)library(gtExtras)tar_config_set(store = here::here("_targets"),script = here::here("_targets.R"))tar_load(m_treatment_only)invisible(list2env(tar_read(graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))invisible(list2env(tar_read(diagnostic_functions), .GlobalEnv))invisible(list2env(tar_read(table_functions), .GlobalEnv))theme_set(theme_ngo())```## MCMC journeysThese multilevel multinomial models are huge and unwieldy—the model with just the treatment variables and respondent-specific intercepts has `r scales::label_comma()(length(get_variables(m_treatment_only)))` coefficients/parameters (!!).So here, for the sake of illustration, we show just four parameters: one of the intercepts and a treatment coefficient from each of the µs. These plots show that the chains are stable, well-mixed, and converged.### TraceplotsThese should look like hairy caterpillars. They do.```{r mcmc-trace}params_to_show <-c("b_mu1_Intercept", "b_mu1_feat_orgGreenpeace","b_mu2_feat_issueHumanrights", "b_mu3_feat_govtUndergovernmentcrackdown")plot_trace(m_treatment_only, params_to_show)```### Trace rank plots (trank plots)These are histograms of the ranks of the parameter draws across the four chains. If the chains are exploring the same space efficiently, the histograms should be similar and overlapping and no one chain should have a specific rank for a long time [@McElreath:2020a, 284].They do.```{r mcmc-trank}plot_trank(m_treatment_only, params_to_show)```## Posterior predictionsThe model should generate predictions that align with the observed outcomes. It does.```{r pp-check}plot_pp(m_treatment_only)```