library (tidyverse)
library (targets)
library (tidybayes)
library (glue)
library (gt)
library (gtExtras)
tar_config_set (
store = here:: here ("_targets" ),
script = here:: here ("_targets.R" )
tar_load (m_treatment_only)
invisible (list2env (tar_read (graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (table_functions), .GlobalEnv))
theme_set (theme_ngo ())
models <- tribble (
~ model_name, ~ nesting, ~ model,
"Treatment variables only" , "Respondent-specific intercepts" , m_treatment_only#,
# "Treatment variables only", "Respondent-specific intercepts and slopes", NA
) %>%
mutate (duration = map (model, ~ {
.$ fit %>%
rstan:: get_elapsed_time () %>%
as_tibble () %>%
summarize (total = as.duration (max (warmup + sample)))
})) %>%
select (- model) %>%
unnest (duration)
dur <- as.period (as.duration (sum (models$ total)))
total_run_time <- glue (
"{hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, and {seconds} seconds" ,
hours = hour (dur), minutes = minute (dur), seconds = round (second (dur), 0 )
We ran these models on a 2021 M1 MacBook Pro with 32 GB of RAM, with 4 MCMC chains spread across 8 cores, with two CPU threads per chain, using Stan through brms through cmdstanr.
In total, it took 0 hours, 24 minutes, and 44 seconds to run everything.
models %>%
gt () %>%
tab_footnote (
footnote = "Duration of the longest-running MCMC chain" ,
locations = cells_column_labels (columns = total)
) %>%
cols_label (
model_name = "Model variation" ,
nesting = "Nesting structure" ,
total = "Total time"
) %>%
cols_align (
align = "left" ,
columns = everything ()
) %>%
grand_summary_rows (
columns = c (total),
fns = list (` Overall total ` = ~ as.duration (sum (.)))
) %>%
opt_footnote_marks (marks = "standard" ) %>%
opt_horizontal_padding (3 ) %>%
opts_theme ()
Treatment variables only
Respondent-specific intercepts
1483.967s (~24.73 minutes)
Overall total
1483.967s (~24.73 minutes)