title: "INGOs and restrictions"
code-fold: true
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr:: opts_chunk$ set (fig.align = "center" , fig.retina = 3 ,
fig.width = 6 , fig.height = (6 * 0.618 ),
out.width = "80%" , collapse = TRUE ,
dev = "ragg_png" )
options (digits = 3 , width = 120 ,
dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE ,
knitr.kable.NA = "" )
```{r load-libraries-data, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
library (tidyverse)
library (targets)
library (scales)
library (glue)
library (gt)
library (ggmosaic)
library (ggtext)
library (patchwork)
library (tidybayes)
library (here)
library (ggpattern)
library (countrycode)
tar_config_set (store = here ('_targets' ),
script = here ('_targets.R' ))
tar_load (c (survey_orgs, survey_countries, survey_all, dcjw, gwf))
tar_load (c (
df_restrictions_regime, models_restrictions_regime,
df_restrictions_issue, models_restrictions_issue,
df_restrictions_reg_regime, models_restrictions_reg_regime
# Plotting functions
invisible (list2env (tar_read (graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (table_functions), .GlobalEnv))
set_annotation_fonts ()
# Routine regulation vs. burdensome regulation
```{r plot-dcjw-registration, fig.width=6, fig.height=2, warning=FALSE}
dcjw_registration <- dcjw %>%
mutate (question = recode (question,
q_2a = "registration" ,
q_2b = "burdensome" ,
q_2c = "appeal" ,
q_2d = "diff.foreign"
)) %>%
filter (question %in% c ("registration" , "burdensome" ))
dcjw_registration_panel <- dcjw_registration %>%
tidyr:: expand (Country, question,
year = min (.$ year, na.rm = TRUE ): 2013
) %>%
left_join (
by = c ("Country" , "question" , "year" )
) %>%
# Bring most recent legislation forward
group_by (Country, question) %>%
mutate (value = zoo:: na.locf (value, na.rm = FALSE )) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (value = ifelse (is.na (value), 0 , value)) %>%
mutate (cowcode = countrycode (Country, "country.name" , "cown" ,
custom_match = c (` Serbia ` = 340L)
regime_types <- gwf %>%
select (cowcode, year, gwf.ever.autocracy) %>%
group_by (cowcode) %>%
summarise (ever.autocracy = any (gwf.ever.autocracy, na.rm = TRUE ))
dcjw_registration_summary <- dcjw_registration_panel %>%
left_join (regime_types, by = "cowcode" ) %>%
# There are a few countries that didn't have regime type from full.data
mutate (ever.autocracy = case_when (
.$ Country %in% c (
"Bahrain" , "Equatorial Guinea" , "Kuwait" , "Oman" ,
"Singapore" , "United Arab Emirates"
) ~ TRUE ,
.$ Country == "Serbia" ~ FALSE ,
TRUE ~ .$ ever.autocracy
)) %>%
group_by (year, question, ever.autocracy) %>%
summarise (prop.with.reg = sum (value) / n ()) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (
question =
factor (question,
levels = c ("registration" , "burdensome" ),
labels = c (
"Registration required" ,
"Registration burdensome"
) %>%
mutate (
ever.autocracy =
factor (ever.autocracy,
levels = c (TRUE , FALSE ),
labels = c ("Autocracies" , "Democracies" )
) %>%
mutate (ever.autocracy = factor (ever.autocracy,
levels = rev (levels (ever.autocracy)),
ordered = TRUE
)) %>%
filter (year > 1990 )
ggplot (
aes (x = year, y = prop.with.reg, colour = ever.autocracy)
) +
geom_line () +
labs (x = NULL , y = "Proportion of countries \n with regulations" ) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = label_percent ()) +
coord_cartesian (ylim = c (0 , 0.65 )) +
scale_colour_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[4 ], clrs$ Prism[6 ]),
name = NULL , na.translate = FALSE ) +
theme_ingo () +
facet_wrap (vars (question))
# Overall restriction
## Regime type
```{r plot-restrictions-regime, warning=FALSE}
ggplot (data = df_restrictions_regime) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (target.regime.type, Q4.17 _collapsed),
fill = target.regime.type),
divider = mosaic ("v" ),
offset = 0 , color = "white" , linewidth = 1 ) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[4 ], clrs$ Prism[6 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
labs (x = "Target country regime type" ,
y = "Level of restriction in target country" ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank (),
plot.title = element_markdown (lineheight = 1.2 ))
```{r plot-restrictions-regime-bayes, fig.width=7.5, fig.height=4}
# Template: 60% of INGOs that reported feeling very restricted work in autocracies
p1 <- models_restrictions_regime$ draws %>%
ggplot (aes (x = .epred, y = Q4.17 _collapsed, fill = Q4.17 _collapsed)) +
stat_halfeye () +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_percent ()) +
scale_fill_manual (values = clrs$ Peach[c (1 , 3 , 5 , 7 )],
guide = "none" ) +
labs (x = "Posterior proportion" , y = "Level of restriction in target country" ) +
facet_wrap (vars ("Proportion of INGOs that reported level \n of restriction that work in autocracies" )) +
theme_ingo ()
plot_data <- models_restrictions_regime$ diffs %>%
mutate (diffs = factor (Q4.17 _collapsed,
levels = c (
"Very restricted - Moderately restricted" ,
"Moderately restricted - Slightly restricted" ,
"Slightly restricted - Not restricted"
diffs_summary <- plot_data %>%
group_by (diffs) %>%
median_qi (.epred, .width = c (0.5 , 0.8 , 0.95 ))
p2 <- models_restrictions_regime$ diffs %>%
mutate (diffs = factor (Q4.17 _collapsed,
levels = c (
"Very restricted - Moderately restricted" ,
"Moderately restricted - Slightly restricted" ,
"Slightly restricted - Not restricted"
)) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = .epred, fill = diffs, pattern_fill = diffs)) +
geom_density_pattern (
pattern = "stripe" ,
pattern_density = 0.5 ,
pattern_spacing = 0.2 ,
pattern_size = 0 ,
trim = TRUE ,
linewidth = 0
) +
geom_pointinterval (data = diffs_summary, aes (x = .epred, xmin = .lower, xmax = .upper)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 , linewidth = 0.5 , color = clrs$ Prism[8 ]) +
facet_wrap (vars (diffs), ncol = 1 ) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Peach[7 ], clrs$ Peach[5 ], clrs$ Peach[3 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
scale_pattern_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Peach[5 ], clrs$ Peach[3 ], clrs$ Peach[1 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_number (scale = 100 , style_negative = "minus" ,
suffix = " pp." ),
breaks = seq (- 0.6 , 0.2 , by = 0.2 )) +
labs (x = "Percentage point differences" , y = NULL ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.y = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_blank ())
p1 | p2
```{r tab-restrictions-regime-bayes}
models_restrictions_regime$ draws %>%
median_qi (.epred) %>%
mutate (Q4.17_collapsed = as.character (Q4.17 _collapsed),
type = "Median proportions for INGOs working in autocracies" ) %>%
rename (y = .epred, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper) %>%
bind_rows (models_restrictions_regime$ diffs_summary) %>%
mutate (across (c (y, ymin, ymax, p_greater_0),
list (nice = ~ label_number (accuracy = 0.01 )(.)))) %>%
mutate (nice_value = glue ("{y_nice}<br>({ymin_nice} – {ymax_nice})" )) %>%
mutate (Q4.17_collapsed = str_replace (Q4.17 _collapsed, " - " , " − " )) %>%
select (type, Q4.17 _collapsed, nice_value, p_greater_0_nice) %>%
group_by (type) %>%
gt () %>%
cols_label (
Q4.17_collapsed = "" ,
nice_value = "Posterior median" ,
p_greater_0_nice = "p > 0"
) %>%
fmt_markdown (nice_value) %>%
sub_missing (p_greater_0_nice) %>%
tab_footnote (footnote = "95% credible intervals shown in parentheses" ) %>%
opts_theme ()
## Issue contentiousness
```{r plot-restrictions-issue, warning=FALSE}
ggplot (data = df_restrictions_issue) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (potential.contentiousness, Q4.17 _collapsed),
fill = potential.contentiousness),
divider = mosaic ("v" ),
offset = 0 , color = "white" , linewidth = 1 ) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[2 ], clrs$ Prism[8 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
labs (x = "Contentiousness of INGO work" ,
y = "Level of restriction in target country" ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank (),
plot.title = element_markdown (lineheight = 1.2 ))
```{r plot-restrictions-issue-bayes, fig.width=7.5, fig.height=4}
p1 <- models_restrictions_issue$ draws %>%
ggplot (aes (x = .epred, y = Q4.17 _collapsed, fill = Q4.17 _collapsed)) +
stat_halfeye () +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_percent ()) +
scale_fill_manual (values = clrs$ Peach[c (1 , 3 , 5 , 7 )],
guide = "none" ) +
labs (x = "Posterior proportion" , y = "Level of restriction in target country" ) +
facet_wrap (vars ("INGOs with contentious issues" )) +
theme_ingo ()
plot_data <- models_restrictions_issue$ diffs %>%
mutate (diffs = factor (Q4.17 _collapsed,
levels = c (
"Very restricted - Moderately restricted" ,
"Moderately restricted - Slightly restricted" ,
"Slightly restricted - Not restricted"
diffs_summary <- plot_data %>%
group_by (diffs) %>%
median_qi (.epred, .width = c (0.5 , 0.8 , 0.95 ))
p2 <- plot_data %>%
ggplot (aes (x = .epred, fill = diffs, pattern_fill = diffs)) +
geom_density_pattern (
# aes(y = after_stat(density * 1e5)),
pattern = "stripe" ,
pattern_density = 0.5 ,
pattern_spacing = 0.2 ,
pattern_size = 0 ,
trim = TRUE ,
linewidth = 0
) +
geom_pointinterval (data = diffs_summary, aes (x = .epred, xmin = .lower, xmax = .upper)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 , linewidth = 0.5 , color = clrs$ Prism[8 ]) +
facet_wrap (vars (diffs), ncol = 1 ) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Peach[7 ], clrs$ Peach[5 ], clrs$ Peach[3 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
scale_pattern_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Peach[5 ], clrs$ Peach[3 ], clrs$ Peach[1 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_number (scale = 100 , style_negative = "minus" ,
suffix = " \n pp." ),
breaks = seq (- 0.4 , 0.4 , by = 0.2 )) +
labs (x = "Percentage point differences" , y = NULL ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.y = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_blank ())
p1 | p2
```{r tab-restrictions-issue-bayes}
models_restrictions_issue$ draws %>%
median_qi (.epred) %>%
mutate (Q4.17_collapsed = as.character (Q4.17 _collapsed),
type = "Median proportions for NGOs working on contentious issues" ) %>%
rename (y = .epred, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper) %>%
bind_rows (models_restrictions_issue$ diffs_summary) %>%
mutate (across (c (y, ymin, ymax, p_greater_0),
list (nice = ~ label_number (accuracy = 0.01 )(.)))) %>%
mutate (nice_value = glue ("{y_nice}<br>({ymin_nice} – {ymax_nice})" )) %>%
mutate (Q4.17_collapsed = str_replace (Q4.17 _collapsed, " - " , " − " )) %>%
select (type, Q4.17 _collapsed, nice_value, p_greater_0_nice) %>%
group_by (type) %>%
gt () %>%
cols_label (
Q4.17_collapsed = "" ,
nice_value = "Posterior median" ,
p_greater_0_nice = "p > 0"
) %>%
fmt_markdown (nice_value) %>%
sub_missing (p_greater_0_nice) %>%
tab_footnote (footnote = "95% credible intervals shown in parentheses" ) %>%
opts_theme ()
# Registration and restrictions
```{r plot-registration-restrictions, fig.width=6.5, fig.height=2}
ggplot (data = df_restrictions_reg_regime) +
geom_mosaic (
aes (
x = product (regime_registered, Q4.17 _collapsed),
fill = regime_registered
divider = mosaic ("v" ),
offset = 0 , color = "white" , linewidth = 1 , na.rm = TRUE
) +
scale_x_productlist (
expand = c (0 , 0.02 ),
labels = c ("Registered" , "" , "Not registered" , "" )) +
scale_y_productlist (expand = c (0 , 0.02 )) +
scale_fill_manual (
values = c (
clrs$ Prism[1 ], clrs$ Prism[11 ],
clrs$ Prism[7 ], clrs$ Prism[6 ]
guide = "none"
) +
facet_wrap (vars (target.regime.type), ncol = 2 ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank (),
axis.title.x = element_blank (),
axis.title.y = element_blank ()
```{r tab-registration-restrictions-diffs}
#| tbl-cap: Median differences in proportion of registered and non-registered INGOs selecting frequency of type of restriction. Probability that the proportion is greater than 0 given in parentheses.
models_restrictions_reg_regime %>%
unnest (diffs_summary) %>%
mutate (nice_value = glue:: glue (
"{diff}<br>({p})" ,
diff = label_number (style_negative = "minus" , accuracy = 0.01 )(y),
p = label_number (accuracy = 0.01 )(p_greater_0))
) %>%
ungroup () %>%
select (Q4.17 _collapsed, target.regime.type, nice_value) %>%
pivot_wider (names_from = "target.regime.type" , values_from = "nice_value" ) %>%
gt () %>%
fmt_markdown (columns = 2 : 3 ) %>%
cols_align (align = "left" , columns = Q4.17 _collapsed) %>%
cols_label (Q4.17_collapsed = "" ) %>%
tab_footnote (footnote = "Values show the differences in proportion of registered and non-registered INGOs providing each response (not registered proportion − registered proportion)" ) %>%
opts_theme ()
# Gatekeeping and program capture restrictions
# Reactions to restrictions
## Size
## Other instrumental concerns