title: "INGOs and instrumental factors"
code-fold: true
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr:: opts_chunk$ set (fig.align = "center" , fig.retina = 3 ,
fig.width = 6 , fig.height = (6 * 0.618 ),
out.width = "80%" , collapse = TRUE ,
dev = "ragg_png" )
options (digits = 3 , width = 120 ,
dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE ,
knitr.kable.NA = "" )
```{r load-libraries-data, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
library (tidyverse)
library (targets)
library (scales)
library (glue)
library (gt)
library (patchwork)
library (tidybayes)
library (here)
tar_config_set (store = here ('_targets' ),
script = here ('_targets.R' ))
tar_load (c (survey_orgs, survey_countries, survey_all))
tar_load (c (models_strategies_size))
# Plotting functions
invisible (list2env (tar_read (graphic_functions), .GlobalEnv))
invisible (list2env (tar_read (table_functions), .GlobalEnv))
set_annotation_fonts ()
# Staffing
```{r tab-volunteers}
df_staff <- survey_orgs %>%
select (employees = Q3.4. num, volunteers = Q3.5. num) %>%
filter (employees < 10000 , volunteers < 10000 ) %>%
mutate (no_emps = employees == 0 ,
no_vols = volunteers == 0 )
df_staff %>%
count (no_vols) %>%
mutate (prop = n / sum (n)) %>%
gt () %>%
cols_label (
no_vols = "No volunteers" ,
n = "N" ,
prop = "Proportion"
) %>%
cols_align (align = "left" , columns = no_vols) %>%
fmt_percent (columns = prop, decimals = 1 ) %>%
opts_theme ()
```{r tab-staff-volunteers}
df_staff %>%
group_by (no_emps, no_vols) %>%
summarize (across (c (employees, volunteers),
list (n = ~ n (), median = median, mean = mean))) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (prop = employees_n / sum (employees_n))
df_staff %>%
pivot_longer (c (employees, volunteers)) %>%
mutate (name = str_to_title (name)) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = value, fill = name)) +
geom_histogram (binwidth = 0.5 , color = "white" , linewidth = 0.25 ) +
scale_x_continuous (trans = "log1p" , breaks = c (0 , 10 ^ (0 : 5 )), labels = label_comma ()) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[3 ], clrs$ Prism[6 ]), name = NULL ) +
labs (x = NULL , y = "Number of staff" ) +
facet_wrap (vars (name), nrow = 2 ) +
theme_ingo ()
# Funding
```{r tab-funding}
df_funding <- survey_orgs %>%
filter (! is.na (small_org)) %>%
select (clean.id, small_org, Q3.8. num, Q3.8 ) %>%
filter (! is.na (Q3.8. num))
df_funding %>%
group_by (small_org) %>%
summarize (across (Q3.8. num, list (mean = mean, median = median))) %>%
gt () %>%
cols_label (
small_org = "Organization size" ,
Q3.8.num_mean = "Sources (mean)" ,
Q3.8.num_median = "Sources (median)"
) %>%
cols_align (align = "left" , columns = small_org) %>%
opts_theme ()
```{r calc-funding-org-size}
df_funding_unnested_org_size <- df_funding %>%
unnest (Q3.8 ) %>%
filter (key != "None" ) %>%
group_by (key, value, small_org) %>%
summarise (num = n ()) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (value = factor (value,
levels = levels (survey_orgs$ Q3.8 _individual),
ordered = TRUE )) %>%
mutate (answer = fct_collapse (value,
"A lot" = c ("A great deal" , "A lot" ),
"Some" = c ("A moderate amount" , "A little" ),
"None" = "None at all"
)) %>%
filter (key != "Other" ) %>%
mutate (source = fct_collapse (key,
"NGOs and foundations" = c ("Donations from other NGOs" , "Foundation donations" ),
"Governments and IGOs" = c ("Grants from home country" , "Grants from host country" , "Grants from other governments" , "Grants from IGOs" )
```{r plot-funding-org-size, fig.width=7, fig.height=5}
df_funding_plot <- df_funding_unnested_org_size %>%
group_by (answer, source, small_org) %>%
summarise (num = sum (num)) %>%
group_by (small_org, source) %>%
mutate (total = sum (num)) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (prop = num / total) %>%
arrange (answer, desc (small_org), desc (prop)) %>%
mutate (source = fct_inorder (source))
df_funding_totals <- df_funding_plot %>%
group_by (source) %>%
summarise (total = sum (num)) %>%
ungroup () %>%
arrange (total) %>%
mutate (source = fct_inorder (source))
p1 <- ggplot (df_funding_totals, aes (x = total, y = source)) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = 0 , xmax = after_stat (x))) +
scale_x_continuous (breaks = c (0 , 500 , 1000 ),
labels = label_comma ()) +
labs (x = "Times answer selected" , y = NULL ,
title = "INGO funding sources" ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.y = element_blank ())
p2 <- ggplot (df_funding_plot, aes (x = prop, y = fct_rev (answer),
color = fct_rev (small_org))) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = 0 , xmax = after_stat (x)),
position = position_dodge (width = 0.75 ), size = 0.5 ) +
scale_color_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[2 ], clrs$ Prism[5 ]), name = NULL ,
guide = guide_legend (reverse = TRUE )) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_percent ()) +
labs (x = "Proportion selected" , y = NULL ,
title = "How much funding INGO relies on" ) +
facet_wrap (vars (source)) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (strip.text = element_text (size = rel (0.75 )),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank (),
legend.position = c (1 , 0 ), legend.justification = c (1 , 0 ),
legend.direction = "vertical" )
(p1 / plot_spacer () / p2) +
plot_layout (heights = c (0.325 , 0.025 , 0.65 ))
# Time in country
```{r plot-time-in-country, fig.width=6, fig.height=3}
df_time_country <- survey_all %>%
filter (! is.na (Q4.2 ), Q4.2 != "Don't know" ) %>%
group_by (Q4.2 , target.regime.type) %>%
summarise (num = n ()) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (Q4.2 = factor (Q4.2 , levels = rev (levels (Q4.2 )), ordered = TRUE ))
ggplot (df_time_country, aes (x = num, y = Q4.2 , color = target.regime.type)) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = 0 , xmax = after_stat (x)),
position = position_dodge (width = 0.5 ), size = 0.5 ) +
scale_x_continuous (sec.axis = sec_axis (~ . / sum (df_time_country$ num),
labels = label_percent ())) +
scale_color_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[4 ], clrs$ Prism[6 ]), name = NULL ,
guide = guide_legend (reverse = TRUE )) +
labs (x = "Number of responses" , y = NULL ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.y = element_blank ())
# Collaboration
```{r tab-collaboration}
df_collaboration_raw <- survey_orgs %>%
filter (! is.na (small_org)) %>%
select (clean.id, small_org, Q3.6 _clean) %>%
unnest (Q3.6 _clean)
df_collaboration_raw %>%
group_by (Q3.6 _clean) %>%
summarise (num = n ()) %>%
arrange (desc (num)) %>%
gt () %>%
cols_label (
Q3.6_clean = "Partner" ,
num = "N"
) %>%
opts_theme ()
```{r plot-collaboration-size, fig.width=6, fig.height=3.5}
df_collaboration_plot <- df_collaboration_raw %>%
filter (! (Q3.6 _clean %in% c ("Other" , "Individuals" , "Don't know" ,
"We do not collaborate with other organizations or institutions" ))) %>%
mutate (Q3.6_clean = fct_collapse (Q3.6 _clean,
"NGOs" =
c ("Other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)" ,
"Academic organizations" ,
"Faith-based organizations" ),
"Corporations" =
c ("Corporations or businesses" , "Media" ),
"IGOs" = "International organizations (IGOs)"
)) %>%
group_by (small_org, Q3.6 _clean) %>%
summarise (num = n ()) %>%
group_by (small_org) %>%
mutate (total = sum (num)) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (prop = num / total) %>%
arrange (small_org, prop) %>%
mutate (Q3.6_clean = fct_inorder (Q3.6 _clean))
ggplot (df_collaboration_plot, aes (x = prop, y = Q3.6 _clean,
color = fct_rev (small_org))) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = 0 , xmax = after_stat (x)),
position = position_dodge (width = 0.5 ), size = 0.5 ) +
labs (x = "Proportion selected" , y = NULL ) +
scale_color_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[2 ], clrs$ Prism[5 ]), name = NULL ,
guide = guide_legend (reverse = TRUE )) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_percent ()) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (panel.grid.major.y = element_blank ())
# Flexibility and practical strategies
## Size and number of changes
```{r plot-strategies-size}
p1 <- models_strategies_size$ draws %>%
ggplot (aes (x = .epred, y = fct_rev (small_org), fill = small_org)) +
stat_halfeye () +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (clrs$ Prism[2 ], clrs$ Prism[5 ]),
guide = "none" ) +
labs (x = "Average number of strategies" , y = NULL ) +
theme_ingo ()
p2 <- models_strategies_size$ diffs %>%
ggplot (aes (x = .epred)) +
stat_halfeye (fill = clrs$ Prism[11 ]) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 , linewidth = 0.5 , color = clrs$ Prism[8 ]) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_number (style_negative = "minus" )) +
labs (x = "Average # of strategies for 51+ employees − average for 0–50 employees" ,
y = NULL ) +
theme_ingo () +
theme (axis.text.y = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank ())
(p1 / p2) +
plot_layout (heights = c (0.75 , 0.25 ))
df_strategies_size <- survey_all %>%
mutate (num_strategies = Q4.3 _value %>% map_int (length)) %>%
filter (! is.na (Q4.3 _value), ! is.na (small_org))
```{r tab-strategies-size}
models_strategies_size$ draws %>%
median_qi (.epred) %>%
mutate (small_org = as.character (small_org),
type = "Group medians" ) %>%
rename (y = .epred, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper) %>%
bind_rows (models_strategies_size$ diffs_summary) %>%
mutate (across (c (y, ymin, ymax, p_greater_0),
list (nice = ~ label_number (accuracy = 0.01 )(.)))) %>%
mutate (nice_value = glue ("{y_nice}<br>({ymin_nice}–{ymax_nice})" )) %>%
mutate (small_org = str_replace (small_org, " - " , " − " )) %>%
select (type, small_org, nice_value, p_greater_0_nice) %>%
group_by (type) %>%
gt () %>%
cols_label (
small_org = "" ,
nice_value = "Posterior median" ,
p_greater_0_nice = "p > 0"
) %>%
fmt_markdown (nice_value) %>%
sub_missing (p_greater_0_nice) %>%
tab_footnote (footnote = "95% credible intervals shown in parentheses" ) %>%
opts_theme ()
## Collaborations, funding sources, and number of strategies
```{r plot-strategies-funding-collaboration, fig.width=6, fig.height=4}
df_strategies_funding <- survey_all %>%
mutate (num_strategies = Q4.3 _value %>% map_int (length)) %>%
filter (! is.na (Q4.3 _value), Q3.8. num < 7 ) %>%
select (num_strategies, Q3.8. num)
p1 <- ggplot (df_strategies_funding,
aes (x = Q3.8. num, y = num_strategies, group = Q3.8. num)) +
geom_point (position = position_jitter (seed = 1234 ), size = 0.5 ) +
geom_violin () +
labs (x = "Number of funding sources" , y = "Number of \n operational strategies" ) +
theme_ingo ()
df_strategies_collaboration <- survey_all %>%
mutate (num_strategies = Q4.3 _value %>% map_int (length),
num_collaborations = Q3.6 _num) %>%
filter (! is.na (Q4.3 _value), ! is.na (Q3.6 _num)) %>%
select (num_strategies, num_collaborations)
p2 <- ggplot (df_strategies_collaboration,
aes (x = num_collaborations, y = num_strategies, group = num_collaborations)) +
geom_point (position = position_jitter (seed = 1234 ), size = 0.5 ) +
geom_violin () +
labs (x = "Number of collaborative partners" , y = "Number of \n operational strategies" ) +
theme_ingo ()
p1 / p2