::with_dir(here::here(), {
withr# Treatment models
tar_load(c(m_oda_treatment_total, m_oda_treatment_advocacy,
m_oda_treatment_entry, m_oda_treatment_funding,
m_oda_treatment_ccsi, m_oda_treatment_repress))tar_load(c(m_purpose_treatment_total, m_purpose_treatment_advocacy,
m_purpose_treatment_entry, m_purpose_treatment_funding,
m_purpose_treatment_ccsi, m_purpose_treatment_repress))tar_load(c(m_recip_treatment_total_dom, m_recip_treatment_advocacy_dom,
m_recip_treatment_entry_dom, m_recip_treatment_funding_dom,
m_recip_treatment_ccsi_dom, m_recip_treatment_repress_dom))tar_load(c(m_recip_treatment_total_foreign, m_recip_treatment_advocacy_foreign,
m_recip_treatment_entry_foreign, m_recip_treatment_funding_foreign,
m_recip_treatment_ccsi_foreign, m_recip_treatment_repress_foreign))
# Outcome models
tar_load(c(m_oda_outcome_total, m_oda_outcome_advocacy,
m_oda_outcome_entry, m_oda_outcome_funding,
m_oda_outcome_ccsi, m_oda_outcome_repress))tar_load(c(m_purpose_outcome_total, m_purpose_outcome_advocacy,
m_purpose_outcome_entry, m_purpose_outcome_funding,
m_purpose_outcome_ccsi, m_purpose_outcome_repress))tar_load(c(m_recip_outcome_total_dom, m_recip_outcome_advocacy_dom,
m_recip_outcome_entry_dom, m_recip_outcome_funding_dom,
m_recip_outcome_ccsi_dom, m_recip_outcome_repress_dom))tar_load(c(m_recip_outcome_total_foreign, m_recip_outcome_advocacy_foreign,
m_recip_outcome_entry_foreign, m_recip_outcome_funding_foreign,
m_recip_outcome_ccsi_foreign, m_recip_outcome_repress_foreign)) })
<- tibble(
model_df model_name = c("m_oda_treatment_total", "m_oda_treatment_advocacy",
"m_oda_treatment_entry", "m_oda_treatment_funding",
"m_oda_treatment_ccsi", "m_oda_treatment_repress",
"m_oda_outcome_total", "m_oda_outcome_advocacy",
"m_oda_outcome_entry", "m_oda_outcome_funding",
"m_oda_outcome_ccsi", "m_oda_outcome_repress",
"m_purpose_treatment_total", "m_purpose_treatment_advocacy",
"m_purpose_treatment_entry", "m_purpose_treatment_funding",
# "m_purpose_treatment_ccsi", "m_purpose_treatment_repress",
"m_purpose_outcome_total", "m_purpose_outcome_advocacy",
"m_purpose_outcome_entry", "m_purpose_outcome_funding",
# "m_purpose_outcome_ccsi", "m_purpose_outcome_repress"
"m_recip_treatment_total_dom", "m_recip_treatment_advocacy_dom",
"m_recip_treatment_entry_dom", "m_recip_treatment_funding_dom",
# "m_recip_treatment_ccsi_dom", "m_recip_treatment_repress_dom",
"m_recip_outcome_total_dom", "m_recip_outcome_advocacy_dom",
"m_recip_outcome_entry_dom", "m_recip_outcome_funding_dom",
# "m_recip_outcome_ccsi_dom", "m_recip_outcome_repress_dom",
"m_recip_treatment_total_foreign", "m_recip_treatment_advocacy_foreign",
"m_recip_treatment_entry_foreign", "m_recip_treatment_funding_foreign",
# "m_recip_treatment_ccsi_foreign", "m_recip_treatment_repress_foreign",
"m_recip_outcome_total_foreign", "m_recip_outcome_advocacy_foreign",
"m_recip_outcome_entry_foreign", "m_recip_outcome_funding_foreign"#,
# "m_recip_outcome_ccsi_foreign", "m_recip_outcome_repress_foreign"
)) mutate(actual_model = map(model_name, ~eval(rlang::sym(.)))) %>%
# Put standalone unlisted brms models in a list so that they can be unnested
mutate(actual_model = ifelse(map_chr(actual_model, ~class(.)) == "brmsfit",
map(actual_model, ~list(.)), actual_model)) %>%
mutate(list_names = map(actual_model, ~names(.)))
<- model_df %>%
model_details_df unnest(c(actual_model, list_names)) %>%
mutate(stage = ifelse(str_detect(model_name, "treatment"),
"Treatment", "Outcome")) %>%
mutate(category = case_when(
str_detect(list_names, "_num") ~ "Numerator",
str_detect(list_names, "_denom") ~ "Denominator",
str_detect(list_names, "\\d+") ~ paste0("IPTW truncated at ", str_extract(list_names, "\\d+")),
TRUE ~ NA_character_
)) mutate(outcome = case_when(
str_detect(model_name, "_oda_") ~ "Total aid",
str_detect(model_name, "_purpose_") ~ "Aid contentiousness",
str_detect(model_name, "recip_.*_dom") ~ "Aid recipients (domestic)",
str_detect(model_name, "recip_.*_foreign") ~ "Aid recipients (foreign)"
)) mutate(treatment = case_when(
str_detect(model_name, "_total") ~ "Total barriers",
str_detect(model_name, "_advocacy") ~ "Barriers to advocacy",
str_detect(model_name, "_entry") ~ "Barriers to entry",
str_detect(model_name, "_funding") ~ "Barriers to funding",
str_detect(model_name, "_ccsi") ~ "Civil society index",
str_detect(model_name, "_repress") ~ "Civil society repression"
)) mutate(across(c(stage, category, outcome, treatment), ~fct_inorder(., ordered = TRUE)))
<- model_details_df %>%
model_details_summarized mutate(duration = map(actual_model, ~rstan::get_elapsed_time(.$fit)),
duration = map(duration, ~rownames_to_column(as_tibble(.)))) %>%
select(-actual_model) %>%
unnest(duration) %>%
mutate(model_name = glue("<code>{model_name}</code>")) %>%
group_by(Model = model_name, Treatment = treatment, Outcome = outcome,
Stage = stage, Details = category) %>%
summarize(`Total time (i.e. longest chain)` = as.duration(max(warmup + sample))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(Outcome, Treatment, Stage, Details)
We ran these models on a 2016 MacBook Pro with 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM, using Stan through brms through cmdstanr. In total, it took 12 hours, 34 minutes, and 8 seconds to run everything.
<- model_details_summarized %>%
model_details_h1 filter(Outcome == "Total aid")
<- tibble(
total_row_h1 Treatment = "Total",
Model = "All models",
`Total time (i.e. longest chain)` =
as.duration(sum(model_details_h1$`Total time (i.e. longest chain)`))
<- model_details_h1 %>%
model_time_h1 bind_rows(total_row_h1)
model_time_h1 select(-Treatment, -Outcome) %>%
rename(` ` = Model) %>%
kbl(escape = FALSE) %>%
pack_rows(index = table(fct_inorder(model_time_h1$Treatment))) %>%
Stage | Details | Total time (i.e. longest chain) | |
Total barriers | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 189.01s (~3.15 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 151.496s (~2.52 minutes) |
Outcome | 396.215s (~6.6 minutes) | |
Barriers to advocacy | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 119.113s (~1.99 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 282.959s (~4.72 minutes) |
Outcome | 279.767s (~4.66 minutes) | |
Barriers to entry | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 109.664s (~1.83 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 185.992s (~3.1 minutes) |
Outcome | 302.05s (~5.03 minutes) | |
Barriers to funding | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 141.48s (~2.36 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 168.247s (~2.8 minutes) |
Outcome | 392.747s (~6.55 minutes) | |
Civil society index | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 192.624s (~3.21 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 568.706s (~9.48 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 100 | 249.96s (~4.17 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 500 | 439.585s (~7.33 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 1000 | 497.64s (~8.29 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 5000 | 1004.137s (~16.74 minutes) |
Civil society repression | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 293.43s (~4.89 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 268.64s (~4.48 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 100 | 240.046s (~4 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 500 | 571.196s (~9.52 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 1000 | 481.962s (~8.03 minutes) |
Outcome | IPTW truncated at 5000 | 895.046s (~14.92 minutes) |
Total | |||
All models | 8421.712s (~2.34 hours) |
<- model_details_summarized %>%
model_details_h2 filter(Outcome == "Aid contentiousness")
<- tibble(
total_row_h2 Treatment = "Total",
Model = "All models",
`Total time (i.e. longest chain)` =
as.duration(sum(model_details_h2$`Total time (i.e. longest chain)`))
<- model_details_h2 %>%
model_time_h2 bind_rows(total_row_h2)
model_time_h2 select(-Treatment, -Outcome) %>%
rename(` ` = Model) %>%
kbl(escape = FALSE) %>%
pack_rows(index = table(fct_inorder(model_time_h2$Treatment))) %>%
Stage | Details | Total time (i.e. longest chain) | |
Total barriers | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 105.479s (~1.76 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 235.396s (~3.92 minutes) |
Outcome | 509.323s (~8.49 minutes) | |
Barriers to advocacy | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 94.403s (~1.57 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 387.446s (~6.46 minutes) |
Outcome | 673.934s (~11.23 minutes) | |
Barriers to entry | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 119.452s (~1.99 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 241.706s (~4.03 minutes) |
Outcome | 683.226s (~11.39 minutes) | |
Barriers to funding | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 76.102s (~1.27 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 247.326s (~4.12 minutes) |
Outcome | 619.938s (~10.33 minutes) | |
Total | |||
All models | 3993.731s (~1.11 hours) |
<- model_details_summarized %>%
model_details_h3_dom filter(Outcome == "Aid recipients (domestic)")
<- tibble(
total_row_h3_dom Treatment = "Total",
Model = "All models",
`Total time (i.e. longest chain)` =
as.duration(sum(model_details_h3_dom$`Total time (i.e. longest chain)`))
<- model_details_h3_dom %>%
model_time_h3_dom bind_rows(total_row_h3_dom)
model_time_h3_dom select(-Treatment, -Outcome) %>%
rename(` ` = Model) %>%
kbl(escape = FALSE) %>%
pack_rows(index = table(fct_inorder(model_time_h3_dom$Treatment))) %>%
Stage | Details | Total time (i.e. longest chain) | |
Total barriers | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 117.943s (~1.97 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 181.979s (~3.03 minutes) |
Outcome | 542.721s (~9.05 minutes) | |
Barriers to advocacy | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 83.917s (~1.4 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 307.042s (~5.12 minutes) |
Outcome | 451.525s (~7.53 minutes) | |
Barriers to entry | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 99.287s (~1.65 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 253.426s (~4.22 minutes) |
Outcome | 448.13s (~7.47 minutes) | |
Barriers to funding | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 72.501s (~1.21 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 192.327s (~3.21 minutes) |
Outcome | 1206.392s (~20.11 minutes) | |
Total | |||
All models | 3957.19s (~1.1 hours) |
<- model_details_summarized %>%
model_details_h3_foreign filter(Outcome == "Aid recipients (foreign)")
<- tibble(
total_row_h3_foreign Treatment = "Total",
Model = "All models",
`Total time (i.e. longest chain)` =
as.duration(sum(model_details_h3_foreign$`Total time (i.e. longest chain)`))
<- model_details_h3_foreign %>%
model_time_h3_foreign bind_rows(total_row_h3_foreign)
model_time_h3_foreign select(-Treatment, -Outcome) %>%
rename(` ` = Model) %>%
kbl(escape = FALSE) %>%
pack_rows(index = table(fct_inorder(model_time_h3_foreign$Treatment))) %>%
Stage | Details | Total time (i.e. longest chain) | |
Total barriers | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 87.403s (~1.46 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 129.949s (~2.17 minutes) |
Outcome | 24963.38s (~6.93 hours) | |
Barriers to advocacy | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 89.783s (~1.5 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 442.092s (~7.37 minutes) |
Outcome | 776.995s (~12.95 minutes) | |
Barriers to entry | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 100.816s (~1.68 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 240.17s (~4 minutes) |
Outcome | 1007.792s (~16.8 minutes) | |
Barriers to funding | |||
Treatment | Numerator | 82.593s (~1.38 minutes) |
Treatment | Denominator | 211.803s (~3.53 minutes) |
Outcome | 742.711s (~12.38 minutes) | |
Total | |||
All models | 28875.487s (~8.02 hours) |
All the models are run with a targets
pipeline with dataset-specific functions that live in these files:
(for total aid (H1))R/models_purpose.R
(for aid contentiousness (H2))R/models_recipients.R
(for aid recipients (H3))R/funs_models-iptw.R
(for calculating inverse probability weights)To keep the analysis relatively self contained here in the analysis notebook, and to make it so there’s no need to hunt through the GitHub repository to find the actual code, here’s that code:
# Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------
<- function() {
oda_setup options(worker_options)
# Settings
<- 4
CHAINS <- 2000
ITER <- 1000
WARMUP <- 4045 # From
# Priors
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_num set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("cauchy(0, 1)", class = "sd"))
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_denom set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "sd"))
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 20)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_out set_prior("normal(0, 3)", class = "b"),
set_prior("cauchy(0, 1)", class = "sd"))
return(list(chains = CHAINS, iter = ITER, warmup = WARMUP, seed = BAYES_SEED,
prior_num = prior_num, prior_denom = prior_denom, prior_out = prior_out))
# Treatment models --------------------------------------------------------
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_treatment_total <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model_num bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + total_oda_log_lag1 +
# Human rights and politics
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy # Economics and development
+ un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log # Conflict and disasters
+ natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_treatment_advocacy <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model_num bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + total_oda_log_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_treatment_entry <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model_num bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + total_oda_log_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_treatment_funding <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model_num bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + total_oda_log_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_treatment_ccsi <- oda_setup()
<- brm(
model_num bf(v2xcs_ccsi ~ v2xcs_ccsi_lag1 + v2xcs_ccsi_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(v2xcs_ccsi ~ v2xcs_ccsi_lag1 + v2xcs_ccsi_lag2_cumsum + total_oda_log_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_treatment_repress <- oda_setup()
<- brm(
model_num bf(v2csreprss ~ v2csreprss_lag1 + v2csreprss_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(v2csreprss ~ v2csreprss_lag1 + v2csreprss_lag2_cumsum + total_oda_log_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
# Outcome models ----------------------------------------------------------
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_outcome_total <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_outcome_advocacy <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ advocacy_lag1_cumsum +
advocacy 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_outcome_entry <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ entry_lag1_cumsum +
entry 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_outcome_funding <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ funding_lag1_cumsum +
funding 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_outcome_ccsi <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat mutate(across(v2xcs_ccsi_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 100, 100, iptw))
dat_100 <- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 500, 500, iptw))
dat_500 <- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 1000, 1000, iptw))
dat_1000 <- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 5000, 5000, iptw))
<- brm(
model_100 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2xcs_ccsi_lag1_cumsum +
v2xcs_ccsi 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_100,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_500 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2xcs_ccsi_lag1_cumsum +
v2xcs_ccsi 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_500,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_1000 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2xcs_ccsi_lag1_cumsum +
v2xcs_ccsi 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_1000,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_5000 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2xcs_ccsi_lag1_cumsum +
v2xcs_ccsi 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_5000,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_100, model_500, model_1000, model_5000))
<- function(dat) {
f_oda_outcome_repress <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat mutate(across(v2csreprss_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 100, 100, iptw))
dat_100 <- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 500, 500, iptw))
dat_500 <- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 1000, 1000, iptw))
dat_1000 <- dat %>% mutate(iptw = ifelse(iptw > 5000, 5000, iptw))
<- brm(
model_100 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2csreprss_lag1_cumsum +
v2csreprss 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_100,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_500 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2csreprss_lag1_cumsum +
v2csreprss 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_500,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_1000 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2csreprss_lag1_cumsum +
v2csreprss 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_1000,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_5000 bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ v2csreprss_lag1_cumsum +
v2csreprss 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat_5000,
family = gaussian(),
prior = oda_settings$prior_out,
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
return(lst(model_100, model_500, model_1000, model_5000))
# Example models for demonstrating lognormal interpretation ---------------
<- function(dat) {
f_example_normal <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model bf(total_oda_log_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_example_hurdle <- oda_setup()
<- dat %>% filter(laws)
<- brm(
model bf(total_oda_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
hu data = dat,
family = hurdle_lognormal(), backend = "rstan",
chains = oda_settings$chains, iter = oda_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = oda_settings$warmup, seed = oda_settings$seed
# Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------
<- function() {
purpose_setup options(worker_options)
# Settings
<- 4
CHAINS <- 2000
ITER <- 1000
WARMUP <- 3246 # From
# Priors
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_num set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("cauchy(0, 1)", class = "sd"))
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_denom set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "sd"))
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_out set_prior("normal(0, 3)", class = "b"),
set_prior("cauchy(0, 1)", class = "sd"),
set_prior("logistic(-1.5, 0.5)", class = "Intercept", dpar = "zi"),
set_prior("gamma(0.01, 0.01)", class = "phi"))
return(list(chains = CHAINS, iter = ITER, warmup = WARMUP, seed = BAYES_SEED,
prior_num = prior_num, prior_denom = prior_denom, prior_out = prior_out))
# Treatment models --------------------------------------------------------
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_treatment_total <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + prop_contentious_lag1 +
# Human rights and politics
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy # Economics and development
+ un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log # Conflict and disasters
+ natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_treatment_logit_total <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + prop_contentious_logit_lag1 +
# Human rights and politics
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy # Economics and development
+ un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log # Conflict and disasters
+ natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_treatment_advocacy <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + prop_contentious_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_treatment_logit_advocacy <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + prop_contentious_logit_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_treatment_entry <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(entry_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + prop_contentious_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_treatment_funding <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(funding_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + prop_contentious_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = purpose_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
# Outcome models ----------------------------------------------------------
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_outcome_total <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_contentious_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
inits = 0,
prior = purpose_settings$prior_out,
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_outcome_logit_total <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_contentious_logit_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
inits = 0,
prior = c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "sd")),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_outcome_advocacy <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_contentious_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ advocacy_lag1_cumsum +
advocacy 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
inits = 0,
prior = purpose_settings$prior_out,
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_outcome_logit_advocacy <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_contentious_logit_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ advocacy_lag1_cumsum +
advocacy 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
inits = 0,
prior = c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "sd")),
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_outcome_entry <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(entry_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_contentious_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ entry_lag1_cumsum +
entry 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
inits = 0,
prior = purpose_settings$prior_out,
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_purpose_outcome_funding <- purpose_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(funding_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_contentious_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ funding_lag1_cumsum +
funding 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
inits = 0,
prior = purpose_settings$prior_out,
chains = purpose_settings$chains, iter = purpose_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = purpose_settings$warmup, seed = purpose_settings$seed
# Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------
<- function() {
recip_setup options(worker_options)
# Settings
<- 4
CHAINS <- 2000
ITER <- 1000
WARMUP <- 4045 # From
# Priors
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_num set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("cauchy(0, 1)", class = "sd"))
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_denom set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "b"),
set_prior("normal(0, 2.5)", class = "sd"))
<- c(set_prior("normal(0, 10)", class = "Intercept"),
prior_out set_prior("normal(0, 3)", class = "b"),
set_prior("cauchy(0, 1)", class = "sd"),
set_prior("logistic(-0.5, 0.35)", class = "Intercept", dpar = "zi"),
set_prior("gamma(0.01, 0.01)", class = "phi"))
return(list(chains = CHAINS, iter = ITER, warmup = WARMUP, seed = BAYES_SEED,
prior_num = prior_num, prior_denom = prior_denom, prior_out = prior_out))
# Treatment models --------------------------------------------------------
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_total_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_dom_lag1 +
# Human rights and politics
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy # Economics and development
+ un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log # Conflict and disasters
+ natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_total_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(barriers_total ~ barriers_total_lag1 + barriers_total_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_foreign_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_advocacy_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_dom_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_advocacy_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(advocacy ~ advocacy_lag1 + advocacy_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_foreign_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_entry_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(entry_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_dom_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_entry_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(entry_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(entry ~ entry_lag1 + entry_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_foreign_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_funding_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(funding_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_dom_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_treatment_funding_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(funding_lag2_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model_num bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + (1 | gwcode)),
data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- brm(
model_denom bf(funding ~ funding_lag1 + funding_lag2_cumsum + prop_ngo_foreign_lag1 +
+ v2x_corr + v2x_rule + v2x_civlib + v2x_clphy + v2x_clpriv +
v2x_polyarchy + un_trade_pct_gdp + v2peedueq + v2pehealth + e_peinfmor +
gdpcap_log + natural_dis_count +
internal_conflict_past_5 1 | gwcode)),
(data = dat,
family = gaussian(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_num,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
return(lst(model_num, model_denom))
# Outcome models ----------------------------------------------------------
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_total_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_dom_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_total_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(barriers_total_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_foreign_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ barriers_total_lag1_cumsum +
barriers_total 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_advocacy_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_dom_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ advocacy_lag1_cumsum +
advocacy 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_advocacy_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(advocacy_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_foreign_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ advocacy_lag1_cumsum +
advocacy 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_entry_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(entry_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_dom_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ entry_lag1_cumsum +
entry 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_entry_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(entry_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_foreign_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ entry_lag1_cumsum +
entry 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_funding_dom <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(funding_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_dom_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ funding_lag1_cumsum +
funding 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(dat) {
f_recip_outcome_funding_foreign <- recip_setup()
<- dat %>%
dat filter(laws) %>%
mutate(across(funding_lag1_cumsum, my_scale))
<- brm(
model bf(prop_ngo_foreign_lead1 | weights(iptw) ~
+ funding_lag1_cumsum +
funding 1 | gwcode) + (1 | year),
(~ 1),
zi data = dat,
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
prior = recip_settings$prior_out,
chains = recip_settings$chains, iter = recip_settings$iter * 2,
warmup = recip_settings$warmup, seed = recip_settings$seed
<- function(x) {
cumprod_na] <- 1
<- function(x) {
cumsum_na] <- 0
# Via
<- function(x) {
lhs if (attr(terms(as.formula(x)), which = "response")) {
else {
# Base R's scale() outputs a matrix, which requires a bunch of shenanigans to
# wrangle into a column, like mutate(x = as.numeric(scale(x))). So instead we
# just use our own here
<- function(x) {
my_scale - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
<- function(dat, wt_model) {
create_iptws <- predict(wt_model$model_num, newdata = dat, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
pred_num <- residuals(wt_model$model_num, newdata = dat, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
resid_num <- lhs(wt_model$model_num$formula$formula)
<- dnorm(dat[[lhs_num]],
num_actual 1],
pred_num[,sd(resid_num[,1], na.rm = TRUE))
<- predict(wt_model$model_denom, newdata = dat, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
pred_denom <- residuals(wt_model$model_denom, newdata = dat, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
resid_denom <- lhs(wt_model$model_denom$formula$formula)
<- dnorm(dat[[lhs_denom]],
denom_actual 1],
pred_denom[,sd(resid_denom[,1], na.rm = TRUE))
<- dat %>%
dat mutate(weights_sans_time = num_actual / denom_actual) %>%
group_by(gwcode) %>%
mutate(iptw = cumprod_na(weights_sans_time)) %>%