title: "Q2: Effect of subsidies on enrollment"
code-fold: "show"
chunk_output_type: inline
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr:: opts_chunk$ set (fig.align = "center" , fig.retina = 2 ,
fig.width = 6 , fig.height = (6 * 0.618 ),
out.width = "80%" , collapse = TRUE ,
dev = "png" , dev.args = list (type = "cairo-png" ))
options (digits = 3 , width = 90 ,
dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE )
```{r load-libraries-data, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
library (tidyverse)
library (sf)
library (kableExtra)
library (ggmosaic)
library (gghalves)
library (ggokabeito)
library (scales)
library (lubridate)
library (here)
library (broom)
library (lme4)
library (broom.mixed)
library (WeightIt)
library (marginaleffects)
library (modelsummary)
riders_final <- readRDS (here ("data" , "derived_data" , "riders_final.rds" ))
riders_final_2019 <- readRDS (here ("data" , "derived_data" , "riders_final_2019.rds" ))
wa_bgs <- readRDS (here ("data" , "derived_data" , "washington_block-groups.rds" ))
acs_wa <- readRDS (here ("data" , "derived_data" , "washington_acs.rds" ))
# By default, R uses polynomial contrasts for ordered factors in linear models:
# > options("contrasts")
# So we make ordered factors use treatment contrasts instead
options (contrasts = rep ("contr.treatment" , 2 ))
theme_kc <- function () {
theme_minimal () +
theme (panel.grid.minor = element_blank (),
plot.background = element_rect (fill = "white" , color = NA ),
plot.title = element_text (face = "bold" ),
axis.title = element_text (face = "bold" ),
strip.text = element_text (face = "bold" ),
strip.background = element_rect (fill = "grey80" , color = NA ),
legend.title = element_text (face = "bold" ))
riders_model <- riders_final_2019 %>%
select (load_after_six, total_amount_after_six, total_loadings_after_six,
reenrolled, treatment_passport_binary, treatment_passport_binary,
incentive_cat_collapsed, incentive_cat_collapsed_prev, treatment_sap_binary,
total_amount_before_six, total_loadings_before_six, enrolled_previously,
boardings_king_county_before_six, boardings_sound_transit_before_six,
Age, RaceDesc, LanguageSpoken, id,
bg_pct_white, bg_pct_male, bg_pct_hs, bg_pct_ba,
bg_internet, bg_travel_time_per_capita, bg_pub_trans_per_capita,
bg_income, bg_median_rent) %>%
na.omit ()
## Initial trends
Distribution of incentives
```{r incentives-tbl}
#| code-fold: true
incentives_2019 <- riders_final_2019 %>%
count (incentive_cat, name = "count_2019" )
incentives_all <- riders_final %>%
count (incentive_cat, name = "count_all" )
incentives_combined <- incentives_all %>%
left_join (incentives_2019, by = "incentive_cat" ) %>%
mutate (diff = count_all - count_2019)
incentives_combined %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
Only subsidized annual pass:
```{r plot-sap, warning=FALSE}
ggplot (data = riders_final_2019) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (treatment_sap_binary), fill = ever_reenroll), alpha = 1 ) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = scales:: percent) +
scale_fill_okabe_ito () +
labs (x = "Subsidized annual pass" , y = "Proportion" , fill = "Reenrolled" ) +
theme_kc () +
theme (legend.position = "top" )
All incentive categories:
```{r plot-incentive-cat, fig.height=6}
ggplot (data = riders_final_2019) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (incentive_cat_collapsed), fill = ever_reenroll), alpha = 1 ) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = scales:: percent) +
scale_fill_okabe_ito () +
labs (x = "Subsidized annual pass" , y = "Proportion" , fill = "Reenrolled" ) +
theme_kc () +
theme (axis.text.x = element_text (angle = 90 , hjust = 1 , vjust = 0.5 ),
legend.position = "top" )
## Q2~A~: Effect of different levels of incentives on longer-term loading of value and passes
Outcomes representing long term loading:
- `load_after_six` : Binary indicator for whether they reloaded the card 6+ months after card is issued
- `total_amount_after_six` : Amount of money refilled 6+ months after card is issued
- `total_loadings_after_six` : Count of refills 6+ months after card is issued
- `incentive_cat_collapsed` : Categorical variable showing the kind of incentive each person was given with the card, if any. Possible values are 0, 10, 10+ (15, 20, 30, 50, 70), Shorter Pass (Misc. Pass, Monthly Pass, Passport), and Subsidized Annual Pass; the values are ordered based on their intensity
### IPW
```{r build-incentive-weights}
incentive_weights <- weightit (
incentive_cat_collapsed_prev ~ Age + RaceDesc + LanguageSpoken +
total_amount_before_six + total_loadings_before_six + enrolled_previously +
boardings_king_county_before_six + boardings_sound_transit_before_six +
bg_pct_white + bg_pct_male + bg_pct_hs + bg_pct_ba + bg_internet +
bg_travel_time_per_capita + bg_pub_trans_per_capita + bg_income + bg_median_rent,
data = riders_model, estimand = "ATE" , method = "ps" )
riders_model_with_weights <- riders_model %>%
mutate (ipw = incentive_weights$ weights) %>%
mutate (ipw = ifelse (ipw >= 30 , 30 , ipw))
```{r build-passport-weights}
passport_weights <- weightit (
treatment_passport_binary ~ Age + RaceDesc + LanguageSpoken +
total_amount_before_six + total_loadings_before_six + enrolled_previously +
boardings_king_county_before_six + boardings_sound_transit_before_six +
bg_pct_white + bg_pct_male + bg_pct_hs + bg_pct_ba + bg_internet +
bg_travel_time_per_capita + bg_pub_trans_per_capita + bg_income + bg_median_rent,
data = riders_model, estimand = "ATE" , method = "ps" )
passport_model_with_weights <- riders_model %>%
mutate (ipw = passport_weights$ weights) %>%
mutate (ipw = ifelse (ipw >= 30 , 30 , ipw))
### Reloading after 6 months
```{r plot-reload-mosaic, fig.height=6}
ggplot (riders_model) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (incentive_cat_collapsed_prev), fill = load_after_six), alpha = 1 ) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = scales:: percent) +
scale_fill_okabe_ito () +
labs (x = "Subsidy provided" , y = "Proportion" , fill = "Reloaded 6+ months later" ) +
theme_kc () +
theme (legend.position = "top" ) +
coord_flip ()
```{r model-q2a-1, cache=TRUE}
model_q2a_1 <- glmer (load_after_six ~ incentive_cat_collapsed_prev + (1 | id),
family = binomial (link = "logit" ),
data = riders_model_with_weights, weights = ipw)
```{r model-q2a-1-show}
tidy (model_q2a_1) %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r model-q2a-1-cmp, cache=TRUE}
model_q2a_1_cmp <- comparisons (model_q2a_1,
variables = "incentive_cat_collapsed_prev" ,
contrast_factor = "reference" )
model_q2a_1_cmp %>%
tidy () %>%
mutate (contrast = fct_rev (fct_inorder (contrast))) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = estimate * 100 , y = contrast)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 ) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = conf.low * 100 , xmax = conf.high * 100 )) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = ~ paste0 (.x, " pp" )) +
labs (x = "Percentage point change" , y = NULL ) +
theme_kc ()
### Total amount refilled after 6 months
```{r calc-amount-loadings-avgs}
avg_after_6 <- riders_model %>%
group_by (incentive_cat_collapsed_prev) %>%
summarize (avg_amount = mean (total_amount_after_six),
se_amount = sd (total_amount_after_six) / sqrt (n ()),
hi_lo_amount = map2 (avg_amount, se_amount,
~ .x + (.y * qnorm (c (0.025 , 0.975 )))),
avg_loadings = mean (total_loadings_after_six),
se_loadings = sd (total_loadings_after_six) / sqrt (n ()),
hi_lo_loadings = map2 (avg_loadings, se_loadings,
~ .x + (.y * qnorm (c (0.025 , 0.975 )))),)
avg_after_6 %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r plot-total-amount}
ggplot (riders_model, aes (x = incentive_cat_collapsed_prev,
y = total_amount_after_six,
color = incentive_cat_collapsed_prev)) +
geom_point (size = 0.2 , alpha = 0.25 ,
position = position_jitter (width = 0.25 , seed = 1234 )) +
scale_color_okabe_ito (guide = "none" ) +
scale_x_discrete (labels = label_wrap (10 )) +
theme_kc ()
```{r plot-total-amount-avg}
ggplot (riders_model, aes (x = incentive_cat_collapsed_prev,
y = total_amount_after_six,
color = incentive_cat_collapsed_prev)) +
stat_summary (geom = "pointrange" , fun.data = "mean_se" , fun.args = list (mult = 1.96 )) +
scale_color_okabe_ito (guide = "none" ) +
scale_x_discrete (labels = label_wrap (10 )) +
theme_kc ()
```{r model-q2a-2}
model_q2a_2 <- lmer (total_amount_after_six ~ incentive_cat_collapsed_prev + (1 | id),
data = riders_model_with_weights, weights = ipw)
```{r model-q2a-2-show}
tidy (model_q2a_2) %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r model-q2a-2-cmp}
model_q2a_2_cmp <- comparisons (model_q2a_2,
variables = "incentive_cat_collapsed_prev" ,
contrast_factor = "reference" )
model_q2a_2_cmp %>%
tidy () %>%
mutate (contrast = fct_rev (fct_inorder (contrast))) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = estimate, y = contrast)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 ) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high)) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = label_dollar ()) +
labs (x = "Difference in total amount loaded six months later" , y = NULL ) +
theme_kc ()
### Total loadings after 6 months
```{r model-q2a-3}
model_q2a_3 <- lmer (total_loadings_after_six ~ incentive_cat_collapsed_prev + (1 | id),
data = riders_model_with_weights, weights = ipw)
```{r model-q2a-3-show}
tidy (model_q2a_3) %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r model-q2a-3-cmp}
model_q2a_3_cmp <- comparisons (model_q2a_3,
variables = "incentive_cat_collapsed_prev" ,
contrast_factor = "reference" )
model_q2a_3_cmp %>%
tidy () %>%
mutate (contrast = fct_rev (fct_inorder (contrast))) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = estimate, y = contrast)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 ) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high)) +
labs (x = "Difference in average count of card loadings" , y = NULL ) +
theme_kc ()
### All models
```{r models-q2a-all}
modelsummary (list ("Reload (binary)" = model_q2a_1,
"Amount refilled" = model_q2a_2,
"Loadings" = model_q2a_3))
## Q2~B~: Effect of different levels of incentives on longer-term loading of value and passes
- `reenrolled` : Binary indicator for whether current card issuing is a reenrollment (TRUE when the suffix for the card ID is greater than 1)
```{r plot-reenroll-mosaic, fig.height=6}
ggplot (riders_model) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (incentive_cat_collapsed_prev), fill = reenrolled), alpha = 1 ) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = scales:: percent) +
scale_fill_okabe_ito () +
labs (x = "Subsidy provided" , y = "Proportion" , fill = "Reenrolled" ) +
theme_kc () +
theme (legend.position = "top" ) +
coord_flip ()
```{r tbl-reload-avg}
riders_model %>%
group_by (incentive_cat_collapsed_prev) %>%
summarize (prop = mean (reenrolled)) %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r model-q2b, cache=TRUE}
model_q2b <- glmer (reenrolled ~ incentive_cat_collapsed_prev + (1 | id),
family = binomial (link = "logit" ),
data = riders_model_with_weights, weights = ipw)
```{r model-q2b-show}
tidy (model_q2b) %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r model-q2b-cmp, cache=TRUE}
model_q2b_cmp <- comparisons (model_q2b,
variables = "incentive_cat_collapsed_prev" ,
contrast_factor = "reference" )
model_q2b_cmp %>%
tidy () %>%
mutate (contrast = fct_rev (fct_inorder (contrast))) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = estimate * 100 , y = contrast)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 ) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = conf.low * 100 , xmax = conf.high * 100 )) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = ~ paste0 (.x, " pp" )) +
labs (x = "Percentage point change" , y = NULL ) +
theme_kc ()
lol i have no idea what's happening here
## Q2~C~: Effect of different levels of incentives on longer-term loading of value and passes
- `reenrolled` : Binary indicator for whether current card issuing is a reenrollment (TRUE when the suffix for the card ID is greater than 1)
```{r plot-reenroll-mosaic-binary, fig.height=6}
ggplot (passport_model_with_weights) +
geom_mosaic (aes (x = product (treatment_passport_binary), fill = reenrolled), alpha = 1 ) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = scales:: percent) +
scale_fill_okabe_ito () +
labs (x = "Subsidy provided" , y = "Proportion" , fill = "Reenrolled" ) +
theme_kc () +
theme (legend.position = "top" ) +
coord_flip ()
```{r model-q2c-4, cache=TRUE}
model_q2c_4 <- glmer (reenrolled ~ treatment_passport_binary + (1 | id),
family = binomial (link = "logit" ),
data = passport_model_with_weights, weights = ipw)
```{r model-q2c-4-show}
tidy (model_q2c_4) %>%
kbl () %>%
kable_styling ()
```{r model-q2c-4-cmp, cache=TRUE}
model_q2c_4_cmp <- comparisons (model_q2c_4,
variables = "treatment_passport_binary" ,
contrast_factor = "reference" )
model_q2c_4_cmp %>%
tidy () %>%
mutate (contrast = fct_rev (fct_inorder (contrast))) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = estimate * 100 , y = contrast)) +
geom_vline (xintercept = 0 ) +
geom_pointrange (aes (xmin = conf.low * 100 , xmax = conf.high * 100 )) +
scale_x_continuous (labels = ~ paste0 (.x, " pp" )) +
labs (x = "Percentage point change" , y = NULL ) +
theme_kc ()