4  Preferences: Utilities, predictions, and simulations


stickers <- readRDS("data/processed_data/study_5_sticker.rds")

stickers_indexed <- stickers |> 
  group_by(resp_id, question) |> 
  mutate(choice_id = cur_group_id()) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
    idx = list(c("choice_id", "resp_id"), "alt"),
    choice = "choice",
    shape = "long"
model_mlogit <- mlogit(
  choice ~ 0 + price + packaging + flavor,
  data = stickers_indexed

pars_random <- rep("n", length(model_mlogit$coefficients)) |> 

model_mlogit_hierarchical <- mlogit(
  choice ~ 0 + price + packaging + flavor,
  rpar = pars_random, panel = TRUE, correlation = TRUE,
  data = stickers_indexed

4.1 Population-level stuff

4.1.1 Model βs

Parameter Coefficient SE CI_low CI_high z p
price$3 -1.82 0.15 -2.11 -1.53 -12.33 <0.001
price$4 -3.98 0.22 -4.42 -3.54 -17.79 <0.001
packagingPlastic + sticker 1.23 0.12 0.99 1.47 10.00 <0.001
flavorNuts -3.93 0.23 -4.38 -3.48 -17.06 <0.001

4.2 Individual-level stuff: Part-worth utilities and ratios

Price Packaging Flavor
ID $2 $3 $4 Paper Sticker Chocolate Nuts
4 0 -2.22 -3.98 0 -4.24 0 -9.76
5 0 -2.55 -5.99 0 -0.19 0 -0.14
6 0 -1.31 -2.87 0 2.67 0 -8.60
7 0 -1.61 -3.34 0 2.63 0 -6.78
8 0 -1.57 -3.71 0 3.49 0 -4.41

For respondent 4, the difference in preference when moving from $2 to $4 is roughly the same as the preference for a sticker

We can also calculate the relative importance of each attribute for each individual by determining how much each attribute contributes to the overall utility of the choice. We first calculate the range of each

Feature max(βi) − min(βi) Range Importance
Price 0 − -3.98 3.98 22.1%
Packaging 0 − -4.24 4.24 23.6%
Flavor 0 − -9.76 9.76 54.3%
Total 17.99 100.0%
Range Importance
ID Price Packaging Flavor Price Packaging Flavor
4 3.98 4.24 9.76 22.1% 23.6% 54.3%
5 5.99 0.19 0.14 94.7% 3.1% 2.2%
6 2.87 2.67 8.60 20.3% 18.9% 60.8%
7 3.34 2.63 6.78 26.2% 20.6% 53.2%
8 3.71 3.49 4.41 32.0% 30.0% 38.0%

cor.mlogit(model_mlogit_hierarchical) |> 
  as_tibble(rownames = "coefficient") |> 
  tt() |> 
  format_tt(j = 2:5, fn = scales::label_number(accuracy = 0.001))
coefficient price$3 price$4 packagingPlastic + sticker flavorNuts
price$3 1.000 0.899 0.727 0.069
price$4 0.899 1.000 0.529 0.132
packagingPlastic + sticker 0.727 0.529 1.000 0.240
flavorNuts 0.069 0.132 0.240 1.000

4.3 Predictions and transformations

4.3.1 Willingness-to-pay?

4.3.2 Simulated choice shares

Functions from @Feit:2019

predict_mnl <- function(model, data) {
  # Function for predicting shares from a multinomial logit model 
  # model: mlogit object returned by mlogit()
  # data: a data frame containing the set of designs for which you want to 
  #       predict shares. Same format at the data used to estimate model. 
  data.model <- model.matrix(update(model$formula, 0 ~ .), data = data)[ , -1]
  utility <- data.model %*% model$coef
  share <- exp(utility) / sum(exp(utility))
  cbind(share, data)

predict_hier_mnl <- function(model, data, nresp =1000) { 
  # Function to predict shares of a hierarchical multinomial logit model
  # model: mlogit object returned by mlogit()
  # data: a data frame containing the set of designs for which you want to
  # predict shares. Same format at the data used to estimate model.
  # Note that this code assumes all model parameters are random
  data.model <- model.matrix(update(model$formula , 0 ~ .), data = data)[ , -1]
  coef.Sigma <- cov.mlogit(model)
  coef.mu <- model$coef[1:dim(coef.Sigma)[1]]
  draws <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = nresp, coef.mu, coef.Sigma)
  shares <- matrix(NA, nrow = nresp, ncol = nrow(data))

  for (i in 1:nresp) {
    utility <- data.model%*%draws[i,]
    share <- exp(utility)/sum(exp(utility))
    shares[i,] <- share 

  cbind(colMeans(shares), data)

example_product_mix <- tribble(
  ~price, ~packaging, ~flavor,
  "$2", "Plastic + sticker", "Chocolate",
  "$3", "Plastic + sticker", "Chocolate",
  "$4", "Plastic + sticker", "Chocolate",
  "$2", "Plastic + paper", "Nuts",
  "$3", "Plastic + paper", "Nuts",
  "$4", "Plastic + paper", "Nuts"
) |> 
  mutate(across(everything(), factor))

predict_hier_mnl(model_mlogit_hierarchical, example_product_mix)
##   colMeans(shares) price         packaging    flavor
## 1         0.645363    $2 Plastic + sticker Chocolate
## 2         0.121951    $3 Plastic + sticker Chocolate
## 3         0.045006    $4 Plastic + sticker Chocolate
## 4         0.157910    $2   Plastic + paper      Nuts
## 5         0.021582    $3   Plastic + paper      Nuts
## 6         0.008187    $4   Plastic + paper      Nuts

4.4 Market simulations?