The US Census’s American Community Survey (ACS) has a massive wealth of data at a highly granular block group-level, but getting and processing that data can be a pain. The {tidycensus} R package makes it really easy to retrieve data from the Census’s API, but we need to feed it a list of cryptic variable IDs based on specific ACS tables. Additionally, to calculate percentages within each block group, we need to grab a denominator and different components of a numerator for each variable of interest.

This document summarizes all the variables we collect from the ACS and shows each of the components from the different tables, as well as the formulas we use to combine the different components and convert them to percentages. We also include a link to the documentation for each ACS table at Census Reporter.

We built this list by searching through Census Reporter and {tidycensus}’s internal database of ACS variables, accessible with this R code:

acs_possible_vars <- tidycensus::load_variables(2019, "acs5", cache = TRUE)

(I borrowed the idea for this master document from Anthony Holmes’s script for creating an Adaptive Capacity Index)

Census geography hierarchy

But first, because I can never remember how tracts and block groups fit within the Census’s hierarchy of geographies, here’s a visual reminder of how the 12-digit FIPS GEOID codes work. Block groups are nested inside tracts, which are nested inside counties, which are nested inside states. (This table is helpful too.)

Data cleaning

The actual data collection and cleaning is coordinated with {targets}, so none of the code runs in this document. For reference, though, here’s the R code that processes everything.

All the variable names are stored in a CSV file at data/manual-data/acs_vars.csv. The data cleaning function uses the list of names from the CSV file to create the Census API call.

Show the first few rows of acs_vars.csv
readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "manual-data", "acs_vars.csv"),
                show_col_types = FALSE)
## # A tibble: 93 × 5
##    type   variable       name       census_description                 geography
##    <chr>  <chr>          <chr>      <chr>                              <chr>    
##  1 Social Marital status B12001_001 Estimate!!Total                    block gr…
##  2 Social Marital status B12001_004 Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Now marr… block gr…
##  3 Social Marital status B12001_013 Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Now ma… block gr…
##  4 Social Children       B11005_001 Estimate!!Total                    block gr…
##  5 Social Children       B11005_002 Estimate!!Total:!!Households with… block gr…
##  6 Social Education      B15003_001 Estimate!!Total                    block gr…
##  7 Social Education      B15003_017 Estimate!!Total:!!Regular high sc… block gr…
##  8 Social Education      B15003_018 Estimate!!Total!!GED or alternati… block gr…
##  9 Social Education      B15003_019 Estimate!!Total!!Some college, le… block gr…
## 10 Social Education      B15003_020 Estimate!!Total!!Some college, 1 … block gr…
## # ℹ 83 more rows

The actual data collection and processing happens in R/funs_acs_data.R:

Show the R code for accessing and cleaning the ACS data
clean_acs_data <- function(acs_vars_file) {
  acs_vars <- read_csv(acs_vars_file, show_col_types = FALSE)
  acs_raw_bg <- get_acs(
    geography = "block group",
    variables = filter(acs_vars, geography == "block group")$name,
    state = 53, year = 2019, survey = "acs5"

  acs_raw_tract <- get_acs(
    geography = "tract",
    variables = filter(acs_vars, geography == "tract")$name,
    state = 53, year = 2019, survey = "acs5"
  acs_bg <- acs_raw_bg %>% 
    select(-NAME, -moe) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = "variable", values_from = "estimate") %>% 
      bg_pct_married = (B12001_004 + B12001_013) / B12001_001,
      bg_pct_kids = B11005_002 / B11005_001,
      bg_pct_hs_plus = (B15003_017 + B15003_018 + B15003_019 + B15003_020 + B15003_021 + 
                          B15003_022 + B15003_023 + B15003_024 + B15003_025) / B15003_001,
      bg_pct_enrolled_college = (B14002_019 + B14002_022 + B14002_043 + B14002_046) / B14002_001,
      bg_pct_veteran = B21001_002 / B21001_001,
      bg_pct_computer_internet = B28003_004 / B28003_001,
      bg_income_percapita = B19301_001,
      bg_pct_employed = B23025_002 / B23025_001,
      bg_pct_commute_public = B08301_010 / B08301_001,
      bg_pct_work_home = B08301_021 / B08301_001,
      bg_pct_ind_construction = (C24030_006 + C24030_033) / C24030_001,
      bg_pct_ind_manufacturing = (C24030_007 + C24030_034) / C24030_001,
      bg_pct_ind_retail = (C24030_009 + C24030_036) / C24030_001,
      bg_pct_ind_edu_health_social = (C24030_021 + C24030_048) / C24030_001,
      bg_pct_ind_acc_food = (C24030_026 + C24030_053) / C24030_001,
      bg_pct_ind_covid = (C24030_006 + C24030_033 + C24030_007 + C24030_034 + 
                            C24030_009 + C24030_036 + C24030_021 + C24030_048 + 
                            C24030_026 + C24030_053) / C24030_001,
      bg_pct_uninsured = (B27010_017 + B27010_033 + B27010_050 + B27010_066) / B27010_001,
      bg_pct_poverty100 = (C17002_002 + C17002_003) / C17002_001,
      bg_pct_poverty200 = 1 - (C17002_008 / C17002_001),
      bg_high_rent = (B25070_008 + B25070_009 + B25070_010) / B25070_001,
      bg_population = B01003_001,
      bg_pct_female = B01001_026 / B01001_001,
      bg_pct_working_age = (B01001_007 + B01001_008 + B01001_009 + B01001_010 + B01001_011 + 
                              B01001_012 + B01001_013 + B01001_014 + B01001_015 + B01001_016 + 
                              B01001_017 + B01001_018 + B01001_019 + B01001_020 +
                              B01001_031 + B01001_032 + B01001_033 + B01001_034 + B01001_035 + 
                              B01001_036 + B01001_037 + B01001_038 + B01001_039 + B01001_040 + 
                              B01001_041 + B01001_042 + B01001_043 + B01001_044) / B01001_001,
      bg_pct_nonwhite = 1 - (B03002_003 / B03002_001)
    ) %>% 
    mutate(tract = str_sub(GEOID, start = 1, end = -2)) %>% 
    select(GEOID, tract, starts_with("bg_")) %>% 
    mutate(across(starts_with("bg_"), ~ifelse(is.nan(.), 0, .)))
  acs_tract <- acs_raw_tract %>% 
    select(-NAME, -moe) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = "variable", values_from = "estimate") %>% 
      tr_pct_snap = B22003_002 / B22003_001,
      tr_pct_no_car = B08014_002 / B08014_001
    ) %>% 
    select(GEOID, starts_with("tr_")) %>% 
    mutate(across(starts_with("tr_"), ~ifelse(is.nan(.), 0, .)))
  # This joins the tract-level values to the block group-level rows, which isn't
  # ideal, but it'll have to do for these two tract-level variables
  acs_clean <- acs_bg %>% 
    left_join(acs_tract, by = join_by(tract == GEOID))

Block group-level variables

Social variables

Married population

Table B12001: Sex by Marital Status  Census Reporter


(B12001_004 + B12001_013) / B12001_001


  • B12001_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B12001_004: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Now married
  • B12001_013: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Now married

Households with kids

Table B11005: Households by Presence of People Under 18 Years by Household Type  Census Reporter


B11005_002 / B11005_001


  • B11005_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B11005_002: Estimate!!Total:!!Households with one or more people under 18 years

High school education

Table B15003: Educational Attainment  Census Reporter


(B15003_017 + B15003_018 + B15003_019 + B15003_020 + B15003_021 + 
 B15003_022 + B15003_023 + B15003_024 + B15003_025) / B15003_001


  • B15003_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B15003_017: Estimate!!Total:!!Regular high school diploma
  • B15003_018: Estimate!!Total!!GED or alternative credential
  • B15003_019: Estimate!!Total!!Some college, less than 1 year
  • B15003_020: Estimate!!Total!!Some college, 1 or more years, no degree
  • B15003_021: Estimate!!Total!!Associate’s degree
  • B15003_022: Estimate!!Total!!Bachelor’s degree
  • B15003_023: Estimate!!Total!!Master’s degree
  • B15003_024: Estimate!!Total!!Professional school degree
  • B15003_025: Estimate!!Total!!Doctorate degree

Enrolled in higher education

Table B14002: Sex by School Enrollment by Level of School by Type of School  Census Reporter


(B14002_019 + B14002_022 + B14002_043 + B14002_046) / B14002_001


  • B14002_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B14002_002: Estimate!!Total:!!Male
  • B14002_019: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Enrolled in school:!!Enrolled in college undergraduate years
  • B14002_022: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Enrolled in school:!!Enrolled in graduate or professional school
  • B14002_026: Estimate!!Total:!!Female
  • B14002_043: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Enrolled in school:!!Enrolled in college undergraduate years
  • B14002_046: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Enrolled in school:!!Enrolled in graduate or professional school

Veteran status

Table B21001: Sex by Age by Veteran Status for the Civilian Population 18 Years and Over  Census Reporter


B21001_002 / B21001_001


  • B21001_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B21001_002: Estimate!!Total:!!Veteran

Has computer with internet

Table B28003: Presence of a Computer and Type of Internet Subscription in Household  Census Reporter


B28003_004 / B28003_001


  • B28003_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B28003_004: Estimate!!Total:!!Has a computer:!!With a broadband Internet subscription

Economic variables

Per capita income

Table B19301: Per Capita Income  Census Reporter




  • B19301_001: Estimate!!Per capita income in the past 12 months (in 2020 inflation-adjusted dollars)

Employment status

Table B23025: Employment Status  Census Reporter


B23025_002 / B23025_001


  • B23025_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B23025_002: Estimate!!Total:!!In labor force

Commuting with public transportation

Table C08301: Means of Transportation to Work  Census Reporter


B08301_010 / B08301_001


  • B08301_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B08301_010: Estimate!!Total:!!Public transportation (excluding taxicab)

Working from home

Table C08301: Means of Transportation to Work  Census Reporter


B08301_021 / B08301_001


  • B08301_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B08301_021: Estimate!!Total:!!Worked from home

Working in construction

Table C24030: Sex by Industry for the Civilian Population  Census Reporter


(C24030_006 + C24030_033) / C24030_001


  • C24030_001: Estimate!!Total
  • C24030_006: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Construction
  • C24030_033: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Construction

Working in manufacturing

Table C24030: Sex by Industry for the Civilian Population  Census Reporter


(C24030_007 + C24030_034) / C24030_001


  • C24030_001: Estimate!!Total
  • C24030_007: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Manufacturing
  • C24030_034: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Manufacturing

Working in retail trade

Table C24030: Sex by Industry for the Civilian Population  Census Reporter


(C24030_009 + C24030_036) / C24030_001


  • C24030_001: Estimate!!Total
  • C24030_009: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Retail trade
  • C24030_036: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Retail trade

Working in eduction, health care, and social assistance

Table C24030: Sex by Industry for the Civilian Population  Census Reporter


(C24030_021 + C24030_048) / C24030_001


  • C24030_001: Estimate!!Total
  • C24030_021: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Educational services, and health care and social assistance
  • C24030_048: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Educational services, and health care and social assistance

Working in accommodation and food services

Table C24030: Sex by Industry for the Civilian Population  Census Reporter


(C24030_026 + C24030_053) / C24030_001


  • C24030_001: Estimate!!Total
  • C24030_026: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services:!!Accommodation and food services
  • C24030_053: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services:!!Accommodation and food services

Working in high-COVID-risk industries

Table C24030: Sex by Industry for the Civilian Population  Census Reporter


(C24030_006 + C24030_033 + C24030_007 + C24030_034 + 
 C24030_009 + C24030_036 + C24030_021 + C24030_048 + 
 C24030_026 + C24030_053) / C24030_001


  • C24030_001: Estimate!!Total
  • C24030_006: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Construction
  • C24030_033: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Construction
  • C24030_007: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Manufacturing
  • C24030_034: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Manufacturing
  • C24030_009: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Retail trade
  • C24030_036: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Retail trade
  • C24030_021: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Educational services, and health care and social assistance
  • C24030_048: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Educational services, and health care and social assistance
  • C24030_026: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services:!!Accommodation and food services
  • C24030_053: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services:!!Accommodation and food services


Table B27010: Types of Health Insurance Coverage by Age  Census Reporter


(B27010_017 + B27010_033 + B27010_050 + B27010_066) / B27010_001


  • B27010_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B27010_017: Estimate!!Total:!!Under 19 years:!!No health insurance coverage
  • B27010_033: Estimate!!Total:!!19 to 34 years:!!No health insurance coverage
  • B27010_050: Estimate!!Total:!!35 to 64 years:!!No health insurance coverage
  • B27010_066: Estimate!!Total:!!65 years and over:!!No health insurance coverage

Population below poverty level

Table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level  Census Reporter


(C17002_002 + C17002_003) / C17002_001


  • C17002_001: Estimate!!Total - Ratio of Income to Poverty in the Last 12 Months
  • C17002_002: Estimate!!Total!!Under .50
  • C17002_003: Estimate!!Total!!.50 to .99

Population below 200% of the poverty level

Table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level  Census Reporter


1 - (C17002_008 / C17002_001)


  • C17002_001: Estimate!!Total - Ratio of Income to Poverty in the Last 12 Months
  • C17002_008: Estimate!!Total:!!2.00 and over

Housing variables

Rent higher than average

Table B25070: Gross Rent as a Percentage of Household Income  Census Reporter


(B25070_008 + B25070_009 + B25070_010) / B25070_001


  • B25070_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B25070_008: Estimate!!Total:!!35.0 to 39.9 percent
  • B25070_009: Estimate!!Total:!!40.0 to 49.9 percent
  • B25070_010: Estimate!!Total:!!50.0 percent or more

Demographic variables

Total population

Table B01003: Total Population  Census Reporter




  • B01003_001: Estimate!!Total


Table B01001: Sex by Age  Census Reporter


B01001_026 / B01001_001


  • B01001_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B01001_026: Estimate!!Total:!!Female

Age 18–66

Table B01001: Sex by Age  Census Reporter


(B01001_007 + B01001_008 + B01001_009 + B01001_010 + B01001_011 + 
 B01001_012 + B01001_013 + B01001_014 + B01001_015 + B01001_016 + 
 B01001_017 + B01001_018 + B01001_019 + B01001_020 +
 B01001_031 + B01001_032 + B01001_033 + B01001_034 + B01001_035 + 
 B01001_036 + B01001_037 + B01001_038 + B01001_039 + B01001_040 + 
 B01001_041 + B01001_042 + B01001_043 + B01001_044) / B01001_001


  • B01001_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B01001_007: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!18 and 19 years
  • B01001_008: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!20 years
  • B01001_009: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!21 years
  • B01001_010: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!22 to 24 years
  • B01001_011: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!25 to 29 years
  • B01001_012: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!30 to 34 years
  • B01001_013: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!35 to 39 years
  • B01001_014: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!40 to 44 years
  • B01001_015: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!45 to 49 years
  • B01001_016: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!50 to 54 years
  • B01001_017: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!55 to 59 years
  • B01001_018: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!60 and 61 years
  • B01001_019: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!62 to 64 years
  • B01001_020: Estimate!!Total:!!Male:!!65 and 66 years
  • B01001_031: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!18 and 19 years
  • B01001_032: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!20 years
  • B01001_033: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!21 years
  • B01001_034: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!22 to 24 years
  • B01001_035: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!25 to 29 years
  • B01001_036: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!30 to 34 years
  • B01001_037: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!35 to 39 years
  • B01001_038: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!40 to 44 years
  • B01001_039: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!45 to 49 years
  • B01001_040: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!50 to 54 years
  • B01001_041: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!55 to 59 years
  • B01001_042: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!60 and 61 years
  • B01001_043: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!62 to 64 years
  • B01001_044: Estimate!!Total:!!Female:!!65 and 66 years


Table B03002: Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race  Census Reporter

The Census Bureau suggests using Table B03002 if you want to treat “Hispanic” as a “race-like” category (see this too).


1 - (B03002_003 / B03002_001)


  • B03002_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B03002_003: Estimate!!Total:!!Not Hispanic or Latino:!!White alone

Tract-level variables

Economic variables

Households receiving food stamps/SNAP

Table B22003: Receipt of Food Stamps/SNAP by Poverty Status for Households  Census Reporter


B22003_002 / B22003_001


  • B22003_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B22003_002: Estimate!!Total:!!Household received Food Stamps/SNAP in the past 12 months

Housing variables

No vehicle available

Table B08014: Sex of Workers by Vehicles Available  Census Reporter


B08014_002 / B08014_001


  • B08014_001: Estimate!!Total
  • B08014_002: Estimate!!Total:!!No vehicle available