class: center middle main-title section-title-6 # Testing these<br>neat slides .class-info[ **Session 1** .light[PMAP 8521: Program Evaluation for Public Service<br> Andrew Young School of Policy Studies<br> Spring 2020] ] <div class="corner-ribbon">Fill out your reading report<br>on iCollege!</div> --- class: title title-1 # Box test .box-1[Something important] .box-2[Something important] .box-3[Something important] .box-4[Something important] .box-5[Something important] .box-6[Something important] .box-7[Something important] --- class: title title-inv-1 # Inverted box test .box-inv-1[Something important] .box-inv-2[Something important] .box-inv-3[Something important] .box-inv-4[Something important] .box-inv-5[Something important] .box-inv-6[Something important] .box-inv-7[Something important] --- name: outline class: title title-inv-6 # Plan for today -- .box-4.medium[Endogeneity & exogeneity] -- .box-5.medium[Instruments] -- .box-2.medium[Using instruments] -- .box-7.medium[IV with R] -- .box-3.medium[Treatment effects & compliance] ??? *Important* notes go here. --- class: center middle section-title section-title-4 animated fadeIn # Endogeneity & exogeneity --- layout: true class: title title-4 --- # Does education cause higher earnings? <img src="testing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="85%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .medium[ $$ \color{#FF851B}{\text{Earnings}_i} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \color{#0074D9}{\text{Education}_i} + \epsilon_i $$ ] --- # Split exogeneity and endogeneity .box-inv-4[What if we could somehow separate education into its endogenous and exogenous parts?] .SMALL[ $$ `\begin{aligned} \text{Earnings}_i =& \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{Education}_i + \epsilon_i \\ & \beta_0 + \beta_1 (\text{Education}_i^\text{exog.} + \text{Education}_i^\text{endog.}) + \epsilon_i \\ & \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{Education}_i^\text{exog.} + \underbrace{\beta_1 \text{Education}_i^{\text{endog.}} + \epsilon_i}_{w_i} \\ & \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{Education}_i^\text{exog.} + w_i \end{aligned}` $$ ] --- # Two columns with a title .pull-left[ .box-5.medium.full-width[Stuff on this side] ] .pull-right[ .box-5.medium[And more stuff on *this* side] ] .box-inv-5[Where does this go?] --- # Three columns with a title .pull-left-3[ Something here. ] .pull-middle-3[ Something here in the middle. ] .pull-right-3[ Something else here. ] --- # Slide with headings ## Subheading .box-5[This is a slide with headings] ## Another subheading .box-3[This too has a box] ### Level 3!!! .box-6[Hey.]