Load data

We downloaded birth data that FiveThirtyEight collected for us. There are two CSV files:

Since the two datasets overlap in 2000-2003, we use Social Security data for those years.


# Load data
births_2000_2014 <- read_csv("data/US_births_2000-2014_SSA.csv")
births_1994_1999 <- read_csv("data/US_births_1994-2003_CDC_NCHS.csv") %>% 
  filter(year < 2000)

Wrangle data

Next, we combine the two datasets and clean up some of the columns. We add actual month and weekday names, and we add a column indicating if the day is a holiday (since that matters for birth patterns)

# Names of stuff
month_names <- c("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
                 "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
day_names <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", 
               "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")

# Make a small dataset of holidays
holidays <- tribble(
  ~month, ~date_of_month, ~holiday,
  1, 1, "New Year's",
  2, 29, "Leap day",
  4, 1, "April Fool's",
  5, 25, "Memorial Day-ish",
  5, 26, "Memorial Day-ish",
  5, 27, "Memorial Day-ish",
  5, 28, "Memorial Day-ish",
  5, 29, "Memorial Day-ish",
  5, 30, "Memorial Day-ish",
  5, 31, "Memorial Day-ish",
  7, 4, "July 4th",
  9, 1, "Labor Day-ish",
  9, 2, "Labor Day-ish",
  9, 3, "Labor Day-ish",
  9, 4, "Labor Day-ish",
  9, 5, "Labor Day-ish",
  10, 31, "Halloween",
  11, 23, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 24, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 25, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 26, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 27, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 28, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 29, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  11, 30, "Thanksgiving-ish",
  12, 24, "Christmas Eve",
  12, 25, "Christmas",
  12, 31, "New Year's"

# Join the holiday data, add some clean columns
births_clean <- bind_rows(births_1994_1999, births_2000_2014) %>% 
  left_join(holidays, by = c("month", "date_of_month")) %>% 
  mutate(month = factor(month, labels = month_names, ordered = TRUE),
         date_of_month = factor(date_of_month),
         day_of_week = factor(day_of_week, labels = day_names, ordered = TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(holiday_flag = ifelse(is.na(holiday), FALSE, TRUE))

Plot data

Strip chart of births by weekday

Because we want to #barbarplots, we can plot each individual day:

ggplot(births_clean, aes(x = day_of_week, y = births, 
                         color = holiday_flag)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5, position = "jitter") +
  guides(color = FALSE)

Bar chart of births by weekday

We can also do a bar chart, but it requires a little extra work

births_week_day <- births_clean %>% 
  group_by(day_of_week) %>% 
  summarize(avg_per_day = mean(births)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(weekend = ifelse(day_of_week %in% c("Saturday", "Sunday"), TRUE, FALSE))

ggplot(births_week_day, aes(x = day_of_week, y = avg_per_day, fill = weekend)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey70", "darkorange"), guide = FALSE) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Average daily births")

Lollipop chart of births by weekday

ggplot(births_week_day, aes(x = day_of_week, y = avg_per_day, color = weekend)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = avg_per_day), fatten = 5, size = 2) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("grey70", "darkorange"), guide = FALSE) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Average daily births") +

Heatmap of births per day

births_month_day <- births_clean %>% 
  group_by(month, date_of_month) %>% 
  summarize(avg_daily_births = mean(births))

heatmap <- ggplot(births_month_day, aes(x = date_of_month, y = fct_rev(month), 
                             fill = avg_daily_births)) +
  geom_tile() + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma", name = "Average births") +
  # scale_fill_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") +
  labs(x = "Day of the month", y = NULL,
       title = "Average births per day",
       subtitle = "1994-2014") +
  coord_equal() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.key.width = unit(3, "lines"),
        legend.key.height = unit(0.5, "lines"))


Interactive heat map!
