Table 1

Text-based; not generated with code

Table 2: Participant demographics <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(sex) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(sex)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -sex)

dem.age <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(age) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(age)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -age)

dem.race <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(race) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(race)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -race) <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(education) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(education)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -education)

title.row <- function(x) {
  data_frame(Demographics = as.character(x), Frequency = NA,
             Percentage = NA, `Cumulative %` = NA)

dem.full <- bind_rows(title.row("Sex"),, 
                      title.row("Age"), dem.age, 
                      title.row("Race/Ethnicity"), dem.race,
                      title.row("Education"), %>%
  mutate(Percentage = ifelse(!, 
                             scales::percent(Percentage), NA),
         `Cumulative %` = ifelse(!, 
                                 scales::percent(`Cumulative %`), NA),
         Demographics = ifelse(, 
Participant demographics
Demographics Frequency Percentage Cumulative %
Male 396 48.9% 48.9%
Female 413 51.1% 100.0%
18–29 123 15.2% 15.2%
30–44 204 25.2% 40.4%
45–59 241 29.8% 70.2%
60+ 241 29.8% 100.0%
White/non-Hispanic 579 71.6% 71.6%
Other race specified 230 28.4% 100.0%
Less than high school 97 12.0% 12.0%
High school 256 31.6% 43.6%
Some college 223 27.6% 71.2%
Bachelor’s degree or above 233 28.8% 100.0%

Information about survey distribution

The 809 participants were distributed amongst three slightly different surveys (Group 1 N = 267, Group 2 N = 273, Group 3 N = 269).

Table 3: Civil liberties and public safety frames

Text-based; not generated with code

Table 4: Personality mean scores for entire sample

Personality mean scores for entire sample
Trait Sample mean SD Cronbach’s α N
Openness 0.72 0.13 0.65 760
Conscientiousness 0.78 0.13 0.61 763
Extraversion 0.63 0.16 0.68 755
Agreeableness 0.79 0.12 0.62 753
Neuroticism 0.54 0.16 0.59 771

Table 5: Framing effects for KKK rally and concealed handgun law

Framing effects for KKK rally and concealed handgun law
Issue Frame N Mean SD Sig.
Public KKK rally Civil liberties frame 267 3.25 2.17
Public safety frame 273 2.67 1.88 0.001
Concealed handgun law Civil liberties frame 269 4.22 2.27
Public safety frame 273 3.39 2.28 0.001

Notes: “Mean” table entries are average responses, where minimum response is 1, and maximum response is 7, where 7 is maximum support.

Question measuring support for the KKK rally: In general, do you oppose or support allowing members of the Ku Klux Klan to hold public rallies? Question measuring support for the concealed handgun law: How strongly do you support or oppose a proposed state law allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns?

Table 6: Susceptibility to KKK rally frames

Susceptibility to KKK rally frames
Simple Full
(1) (2)
Intercept 2.27 -0.09
(1.61) (1.69)
KKK frame 1.52 2.28
(2.20) (2.45)
Openness 0.30 -1.58
(1.15) (1.41)
Conscientiousness 1.78 1.89
(1.34) (1.36)
Extraversion -0.95 0.12
(0.91) (0.92)
Agreeableness -0.96 -0.95
(1.32) (1.33)
Neuroticism 0.33 1.70
(0.98) (1.03)
Openness × frame 3.90** 5.23***
(1.61) (1.97)
Conscientiousness × frame -5.10*** -4.92***
(1.78) (1.83)
Extraversion × frame -1.22 -2.29*
(1.27) (1.31)
Agreeableness × frame 1.58 0.79
(1.86) (1.94)
Neuroticism × frame -0.47 -1.78
(1.37) (1.45)
Political knowledge 2.66***
Need for cognition 0.33
Political knowledge × frame -0.95
Need for cognition × frame 1.15
Observations 447 398
R2 0.08 0.17
Adjusted R2 0.06 0.14
Residual Std. Error 2.02 (df = 435) 1.98 (df = 382)
F Statistic 3.42*** (df = 11; 435) 5.30*** (df = 15; 382)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Table 7: Susceptibility to concealed handgun frames

Susceptibility to concealed handgun frames
Simple Full
(1) (2)
Intercept 2.27 1.72
(1.85) (1.99)
Guns frame 5.86** 7.63**
(2.75) (2.97)
Openness 2.00 2.03
(1.36) (1.65)
Conscientiousness 0.53 0.44
(1.54) (1.60)
Extraversion -0.47 -0.03
(1.04) (1.09)
Agreeableness -0.07 -0.21
(1.51) (1.57)
Neuroticism -0.74 -0.12
(1.12) (1.22)
Openness × frame -1.56 -3.94
(1.95) (2.51)
Conscientiousness × frame -1.46 -1.04
(2.18) (2.28)
Extraversion × frame 0.97 0.81
(1.53) (1.61)
Agreeableness × frame -3.71* -4.33*
(2.11) (2.22)
Neuroticism × frame -0.86 -2.12
(1.67) (1.78)
Political knowledge 0.78
Need for cognition -0.64
Political knowledge × frame -1.46
Need for cognition × frame 2.85
Observations 453 408
R2 0.06 0.08
Adjusted R2 0.04 0.04
Residual Std. Error 2.31 (df = 441) 2.32 (df = 392)
F Statistic 2.57*** (df = 11; 441) 2.17*** (df = 15; 392)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Figure 1: Predicted means of KKK support across frames and personality types

# Get just the means of personality types
personality.means <- model.expanded.kkk$model %>% 

# Create rows of personality types with all 0s and all 1s
personality.1 <- data_frame(personality = colnames(personality.means),
                            value = 1) %>%
  spread(personality, value)
personality.0 <- data_frame(personality = colnames(personality.means),
                            value = 0) %>%
  spread(personality, value)

# Create base matrix of possible personality type values (mean, 0, and 1)
personality.possibilities <- bind_rows(personality.means,
                                       personality.0, personality.1)

# Expand the personality possibilities matrix to include all combinations of
# all variables, then filter out all rows where there are multiple 0 and 1
# values <- expand.grid(personality.possibilities) %>%
  mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  gather(key, value, -id) %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  # Select only rows where there's one 0 value and no 1 value, or one 1 value
  # and no 0 value
  filter(sum(value == 0) == 1 & !any(value == 1) | 
           sum(value == 1) == 1 & !any(value == 0)) %>%
  spread(key, value) %>%
  mutate(index = 1)

# Create matrix of possible framing conditions <- data_frame(KKKFrame_CivLibs = 0:1, index = 1,
                           `(weights)` = 1) %>%
  left_join(, by="index") %>%
  select(-index, -id)

plot.predict.kkk <- augment(model.expanded.kkk, %>%
  gather(key, value, one_of(colnames(personality.means))) %>%
  left_join(coef.names, by=c("key" = "")) %>%
  filter(value %in% c(0, 1)) %>%
  mutate(value = factor(value, levels=c(0, 1),
                        labels=c("Low (0)    ", "High (1)"),
         KKKFrame_CivLibs = factor(KKKFrame_CivLibs, levels=c(0, 1),
                                   labels=c("Public safety", "Civil liberties"),
         coef.clean = fct_inorder(coef.clean))
Personality Value Frame Fitted value SE
Openness Low (0) Public safety 3.95 1.04
Openness High (1) Public safety 2.38 0.401
Openness Low (0) Civil liberties 0.636 1.01
Openness High (1) Civil liberties 4.29 0.412
Conscientiousness Low (0) Public safety 1.32 1.07
Conscientiousness High (1) Public safety 3.21 0.322
Conscientiousness Low (0) Civil liberties 5.67 0.963
Conscientiousness High (1) Civil liberties 2.63 0.306
Extraversion Low (0) Public safety 2.73 0.602
Extraversion High (1) Public safety 2.85 0.365
Extraversion Low (0) Civil liberties 4.67 0.601
Extraversion High (1) Civil liberties 2.5 0.374
Agreeableness Low (0) Public safety 3.57 1.08
Agreeableness High (1) Public safety 2.62 0.294
Agreeableness Low (0) Civil liberties 3.41 1.12
Agreeableness High (1) Civil liberties 3.25 0.336
Neuroticism Low (0) Public safety 1.89 0.578
Neuroticism High (1) Public safety 3.58 0.49
Neuroticism Low (0) Civil liberties 3.33 0.567
Neuroticism High (1) Civil liberties 3.25 0.497
Political knowledge Low (0) Public safety 0.734 0.437
Political knowledge High (1) Public safety 3.39 0.193
Political knowledge Low (0) Civil liberties 1.95 0.463
Political knowledge High (1) Civil liberties 3.66 0.196
Need for cognition Low (0) Public safety 2.58 0.794
Need for cognition High (1) Public safety 2.9 0.355
Need for cognition Low (0) Civil liberties 2.23 0.9
Need for cognition High (1) Civil liberties 3.71 0.373

Figure 2: Predicted means of concealed handgun support across frames and personality types

Personality Value Frame Fitted value SE
Openness Low (0) Public safety 1.96 1.22
Openness High (1) Public safety 3.99 0.472
Openness Low (0) Civil liberties 5.6 1.38
Openness High (1) Civil liberties 3.68 0.546
Conscientiousness Low (0) Public safety 3.07 1.27
Conscientiousness High (1) Public safety 3.52 0.376
Conscientiousness Low (0) Civil liberties 4.69 1.31
Conscientiousness High (1) Civil liberties 4.09 0.369
Extraversion Low (0) Public safety 3.44 0.711
Extraversion High (1) Public safety 3.41 0.427
Extraversion Low (0) Civil liberties 3.72 0.754
Extraversion High (1) Civil liberties 4.5 0.486
Agreeableness Low (0) Public safety 3.59 1.27
Agreeableness High (1) Public safety 3.38 0.343
Agreeableness Low (0) Civil liberties 7.82 1.25
Agreeableness High (1) Civil liberties 3.29 0.377
Neuroticism Low (0) Public safety 3.49 0.683
Neuroticism High (1) Public safety 3.37 0.575
Neuroticism Low (0) Civil liberties 5.42 0.72
Neuroticism High (1) Civil liberties 3.18 0.625
Political knowledge Low (0) Public safety 2.82 0.522
Political knowledge High (1) Public safety 3.6 0.226
Political knowledge Low (0) Civil liberties 4.74 0.513
Political knowledge High (1) Civil liberties 4.05 0.232
Need for cognition Low (0) Public safety 3.88 0.932
Need for cognition High (1) Public safety 3.24 0.419
Need for cognition Low (0) Civil liberties 2.63 1.07
Need for cognition High (1) Civil liberties 4.84 0.445

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