knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, fig.retina=2,
                      tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=120),  # For code
                      options(width=120))  # For output

# Load libraries and data

source(file.path(PROJHOME, "Analysis", "graphics.R"))

options("xtable.html.table.attributes" = "border=0 class='table table-condensed'")

unlabelled <- function(x) {
  if (!haven:::is.labelled(x))
  attributes(x) <- NULL

df.raw <- read_sav(file.path(PROJHOME, "Data", "Data_August 2016.sav")) %>%
  mutate_each(funs(unlabelled(.))) %>%
  mutate(KKKFrame_CivLibs.factor = factor(KKKFrame_CivLibs, levels=0:1,
                                          labels=c("Public safety frame",
                                                   "Civil liberties frame")),
         GunFrame_CivLibs.factor = factor(GunFrame_CivLibs, levels=0:1,
                                          labels=c("Public safety frame",
                                                   "Civil liberties frame"))) %>%
  mutate(sex = factor(PPGENDER, levels=c(1, 0), ordered=TRUE,
                      labels=c("Male", "Female")),
         age = factor(ppagect4, levels=1:4, ordered=TRUE,
                      labels=c("18–29", "30–44", "45–59", "60+")),
         race = factor(PPETHM, levels=c(1, 0), ordered=TRUE,
                       labels=c("White/non-Hispanic", "Other race specified")),
         education = factor(PPEDUCAT, levels=1:4, ordered=TRUE,
                            labels=c("Less than high school", "High school",
                                     "Some college", "Bachelor’s degree or +")))

saveRDS(df.raw, file.path(PROJHOME, "Data", "survey_clean.rds"))

Table 2: Participant demographics <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(sex) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(sex)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -sex)

dem.age <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(age) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(age)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -age)

dem.race <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(race) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(race)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -race) <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(education) %>%
  summarise(Frequency = n()) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = Frequency / sum(Frequency),
         `Cumulative %` = cumsum(Percentage)) %>%
  mutate(Demographics = as.character(education)) %>% 
  select(Demographics, everything(), -education)

title.row <- function(x) {
  data_frame(Demographics = as.character(x), Frequency = NA,
             Percentage = NA, `Cumulative %` = NA)

dem.full <- bind_rows(title.row("Sex"),, 
                      title.row("Age"), dem.age, 
                      title.row("Race/Ethnicity"), dem.race,
                      title.row("Education"), %>%
  mutate(Percentage = ifelse(!, scales::percent(Percentage), NA),
         `Cumulative %` = ifelse(!, scales::percent(`Cumulative %`), NA))
pandoc.table(dem.full, justify="lccc")
Demographics Frequency Percentage Cumulative %
Male 396 48.9% 48.9%
Female 413 51.1% 100.0%
18–29 123 15.2% 15.2%
30–44 204 25.2% 40.4%
45–59 241 29.8% 70.2%
60+ 241 29.8% 100.0%
White/non-Hispanic 579 71.6% 71.6%
Other race specified 230 28.4% 100.0%
Less than high school 97 12.0% 12.0%
High school 256 31.6% 43.6%
Some college 223 27.6% 71.2%
Bachelor’s degree or + 233 28.8% 100.0%

Information about survey distribution

dem.groups <- df.raw %>%
  group_by(XNANO) %>%
  summarise(total = n())

The 809 participants were distributed amongst three slightly different surveys (Group 1 N = 267, Group 2 N = 273, Group 3 N = 269).

Table 4: Personality mean scores for entire sample

df.personality.raw <- df.raw %>%

personality.alphas <- psych::alpha(,
                                   check.keys=TRUE, warnings=FALSE)$alpha.drop %>%
  select(raw_alpha) %>%
  mutate(Trait = gsub("-", "", rownames(.)))

df.personality <- df.personality.raw %>%
  summarise_all(funs(mean = mean(., na.rm=TRUE),
                     sd = sd(., na.rm=TRUE),
                     N = sum(! %>%
  mutate_all(as.numeric) %>%
  gather(key, value) %>%
  separate(key, c("Trait", "key"), sep="_") %>%
  spread(key, value) %>%
  left_join(personality.alphas, by="Trait") %>%
  mutate(Trait = str_to_title(Trait)) %>%
  mutate(Trait = factor(Trait, levels=c("Openness", "Conscientiousness", 
                                        "Extraversion", "Agreeableness", 
                        ordered=TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(Trait) %>%
  select(Trait, `Sample mean` = mean, Sd = sd, `Cronbach’s α` = raw_alpha, N)
pandoc.table(df.personality, justify="lcccc", digits=2)
Trait Sample mean Sd Cronbach’s α N
Openness 0.72 0.13 0.65 760
Conscientiousness 0.78 0.13 0.61 763
Extraversion 0.63 0.16 0.68 755
Agreeableness 0.79 0.12 0.62 753
Neuroticism 0.54 0.16 0.59 771

Weighted group means

KKK experiment

Summary statistics

# TODO: Figure out more accurate N; the mean and stdev drop some observations that the N doesn't account for?
kkk.summary <- df.raw %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(KKKFrame_CivLibs.factor) %>%
  summarise(N = n(),
            Mean = Hmisc::wtd.mean(KKK_Support, weight, na.rm=TRUE),
            `Std. dev.` = sqrt(Hmisc::wtd.var(KKK_Support, weight, na.rm=TRUE)),
            `Std. err.` = `Std. dev.` / sqrt(N),
            Lower = Mean + (qnorm(0.025) * `Std. err.`),
            Upper = Mean + (qnorm(0.975) * `Std. err.`))
KKKFrame_CivLibs.factor N Mean Std. dev. Std. err. Lower Upper
Public safety frame 273 2.665032 1.875855 0.1135319 2.442514 2.887551
Civil liberties frame 267 3.248471 2.165321 0.1325155 2.988746 3.508197

One-way ANOVA

kkk.anova <- aov(KKK_Support ~ KKKFrame_CivLibs.factor,
                 weights=weight, data=df.raw)
kkk.anova %>% xtable %>%
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
KKKFrame_CivLibs.factor 1 45.62 45.62 11.09 0.0009
Residuals 532 2188.48 4.11

Guns experiment

Summary statistics

guns.summary <- df.raw %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(GunFrame_CivLibs.factor) %>%
  summarise(N = n(),
            Mean = Hmisc::wtd.mean(Gun_Support, weight, na.rm=TRUE),
            `Std. dev.` = sqrt(Hmisc::wtd.var(Gun_Support, weight, na.rm=TRUE)),
            `Std. err.` = `Std. dev.` / sqrt(N),
            Lower = Mean + (qnorm(0.025) * `Std. err.`),
            Upper = Mean + (qnorm(0.975) * `Std. err.`))
GunFrame_CivLibs.factor N Mean Std. dev. Std. err. Lower Upper
Public safety frame 273 3.389310 2.273794 0.1376163 3.119587 3.659033
Civil liberties frame 269 4.215867 2.264065 0.1380425 3.945309 4.486425

One-way ANOVA

guns.anova <- aov(Gun_Support ~ GunFrame_CivLibs.factor,
                  weights=weight, data=df.raw)
guns.anova %>% xtable %>% 
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
GunFrame_CivLibs.factor 1 91.31 91.31 17.72 0.0000
Residuals 532 2742.04 5.15

Basic OLS models

KKK experiment

model.orig.kkk <- lm(KKK_Support ~ PPETHM + PPGENDER + xparty7 + 
                       KKKFramexO + KKKFramexC + KKKFramexE + KKKFramexA + 
                       KKKFramexN + KKKFrame_CivLibs,
                     data=df.raw, weights=weight)

model.orig.kkk.interaction <- lm(KKK_Support ~ PPETHM + PPGENDER + xparty7 + 
                                   KKKFramexO + KKKFramexC + KKKFramexE + 
                                   KKKFramexA + KKKFramexN + KKKFrame_CivLibs + 
                                   KKKFramexNC + KKKFramexPK,
                                 data=df.raw, weights=weight)

coef.names.kkk <- names(coef(model.orig.kkk.interaction))
coef.plot.kkk <- bind_rows(mutate(tidy(model.orig.kkk,, 
                                  model="Full")) %>%
  mutate(low = estimate - std.error,
         high = estimate + std.error) %>%
  left_join(coef.names, by=c("term" = "")) %>%
  mutate(coef.clean = fct_rev(fct_inorder(coef.clean)),
         model = factor(model, levels=c("Reduced", "Full"),
                        labels=c("Reduced   ", "Full")))
ggplot(coef.plot.kkk, aes(x=estimate, y=coef.clean, colour=model)) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, colour="#FF851B") +
  geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin=low, xmax=high), size=0.5,
                   position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) + 
  scale_colour_manual(values=framing.palette("palette1"), name=NULL) +
  labs(x="Coefficient", y=NULL,
       title="KKK framing experiment",
       subtitle="Reduced and full models") +
  theme_framing(12) + theme(legend.position="bottom")
## Warning: position_dodge requires non-overlapping x intervals

stargazer(model.orig.kkk, model.orig.kkk.interaction,
          type="html", intercept.bottom=FALSE,
          dep.var.caption="", dep.var.labels.include=FALSE,
(1) (2)
Constant 2.236 2.180
(0.295) (0.303)
p = 0.000*** p = 0.000***
PPETHM 0.853 0.844
(0.195) (0.200)
p = 0.00002*** p = 0.00003***
PPGENDER 0.727 0.704
(0.176) (0.184)
p = 0.00005*** p = 0.0002***
xparty7 -0.124 -0.107
(0.043) (0.044)
p = 0.004*** p = 0.017**
KKKFramexO 3.975 3.351
(1.083) (1.342)
p = 0.0003*** p = 0.013**
KKKFramexC -3.025 -2.898
(1.100) (1.177)
p = 0.007*** p = 0.015**
KKKFramexE -1.281 -1.636
(0.839) (0.902)
p = 0.128 p = 0.071*
KKKFramexA 1.070 -0.066
(1.261) (1.380)
p = 0.397 p = 0.962
KKKFramexN 0.444 0.127
(0.919) (0.989)
p = 0.630 p = 0.898
KKKFrame_CivLibs -0.123 -0.090
(1.492) (1.708)
p = 0.935 p = 0.959
KKKFramexNC 1.449
p = 0.223
KKKFramexPK 0.772
p = 0.177
Observations 481 456
R2 0.183 0.200
Adjusted R2 0.167 0.181
Residual Std. Error 1.864 (df = 471) 1.870 (df = 444)
F Statistic 11.729*** (df = 9; 471) 10.116*** (df = 11; 444)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Guns experiment

model.orig.guns <- lm(Gun_Support ~ GunFrame_CivLibs + PPETHM + PPGENDER + 
                        xparty7 + GunFramexN + GunFramexO + 
                        GunFramexC + GunFramexE + GunFramexA,
                      data=df.raw, weights=weight)

model.orig.guns.interaction <- lm(Gun_Support ~ GunFrame_CivLibs + PPETHM + 
                                    PPGENDER + xparty7 + GunFramexN + 
                                    GunFramexO + GunFramexC + GunFramexE + 
                                    GunFramexA + GunFramexPK + GunFramexNC,
                                  data=df.raw, weights=weight)

coef.names.guns <- names(coef(model.orig.guns.interaction))

coef.plot.guns <- bind_rows(mutate(tidy(model.orig.guns,, 
                                  model="Full")) %>%
  mutate(low = estimate - std.error,
         high = estimate + std.error) %>%
  left_join(coef.names, by=c("term" = "")) %>%
  mutate(coef.clean = fct_rev(fct_inorder(coef.clean)),
         model = factor(model, levels=c("Reduced", "Full"),
                        labels=c("Reduced   ", "Full")))
ggplot(coef.plot.guns, aes(x=estimate, y=coef.clean, colour=model)) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, colour="#FF851B") +
  geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin=low, xmax=high), size=0.5,
                   position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) + 
  scale_colour_manual(values=framing.palette("palette1"), name=NULL) +
  labs(x="Coefficient", y=NULL,
       title="Concealed carry framing experiment",
       subtitle="Reduced and full models") +
  theme_framing(12) + theme(legend.position="bottom")
## Warning: position_dodge requires non-overlapping x intervals

stargazer(model.orig.guns, model.orig.guns.interaction,
          type="html", intercept.bottom=FALSE,
          dep.var.caption="", dep.var.labels.include=FALSE,
(1) (2)
Constant 5.184 4.981
(0.345) (0.360)
p = 0.000*** p = 0.000***
GunFrame_CivLibs 4.629 6.564
(1.906) (2.052)
p = 0.016** p = 0.002***
PPETHM -0.146 0.012
(0.222) (0.232)
p = 0.510 p = 0.960
PPGENDER 0.166 0.126
(0.197) (0.205)
p = 0.401 p = 0.537
xparty7 -0.406 -0.379
(0.050) (0.052)
p = 0.000*** p = 0.000***
GunFramexN -1.425 -2.387
(1.154) (1.218)
p = 0.218 p = 0.051*
GunFramexO 0.020 -1.077
(1.300) (1.746)
p = 0.988 p = 0.538
GunFramexC -1.268 -0.871
(1.446) (1.516)
p = 0.382 p = 0.566
GunFramexE 0.878 0.937
(1.054) (1.105)
p = 0.406 p = 0.398
GunFramexA -3.306 -3.977
(1.373) (1.454)
p = 0.017** p = 0.007***
GunFramexPK -1.175
p = 0.053*
GunFramexNC 0.748
p = 0.588
Observations 486 464
R2 0.171 0.175
Adjusted R2 0.155 0.155
Residual Std. Error 2.126 (df = 476) 2.122 (df = 452)
F Statistic 10.893*** (df = 9; 476) 8.740*** (df = 11; 452)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01